401 Python: Homework AssignmentsΒΆ
A comprehensive list of assignments. Not in any particular order.
- Algorithm Analysis
- Deploy a WSGI app to AWS
- Deploy the Imager app to AWS
- Automate Deploying Imager with Ansible
- Get an Amazon AWS Account
- Implement a Binary Heap in Python
- Technical Blog Post: Draft Your Post
- Technical Blog Post: Generate Ideas
- Technical Blog Post: Outline a Post
- Technical Blog Post: Publish Your Post
- Break This Function
- Implement a Binary Search Tree in Python
- Binary Search Tree: Traversals
- Binary Search Tree: Deleting Nodes
- Binary Search Tree: Self-Balancing
- Intro & Chapter 1 of Clean Code
- Connect To Us Online
- Today I learned...
- Read Deliberately Practice Programming
- Implement a Deque in Python
- Walk Through the Django Tutorial
- Django Imager: Create a Data Model
- Django Imager: Registration, Login and Home
- Django Imager: Data Views
- Django Imager: Data Editing
- Django Imager: Complete Front-End
- Django: Django REST Framework Tutorial, Parts 1-3
- Django: Django REST Framework Tutorial, Parts 4-6
- Django: Implement a REST API for Imager
- Implement a Doubly-Linked List in Python
- Managing AWS: Use Boto to Create And Destroy Instances
- Manage AWS: Automation with Fabric
- Manage AWS: Deploying a WSGI App
- Get an Account with a DNS Provider
- Git Workflows
- Complete Your GitHub Profile
- Implement a Graph in Python
- Implement Graph Traversals
- Graph: Implement Weighted Edges
- Graph: Find the Shortest Path
- Sign Up for a Hacker News Account
- Implement a Hash Table in Python
- Acquire a Heroku Account
- Socket Echo Server
- Socket HTTP Server, Step 1
- Socket HTTP Server, Step 2
- Socket HTTP Server, Step 3
- Socket HTTP Server, Final
- Introduction to Jinja2 Templating
- Introduction to SQL
- Learning Journal Mockups
- Python Learning Journal: Step 1
- Python Learning Journal: Step 2
- Python Learning Journal: Step 3
- Python Learning Journal: Step 4
- Python Learning Journal: Security
- Python Learning Journal: Deployment
- Python Learning Journal: AJAX & Twitter
- Python Learning Journal: Prior Entries
- Learning Journal, Final Submission
- Python Learning Journal: HTML Mockup
- Learning Journal Enhancement: AJAX & Twitter
- Learning Journal Enhancement: Add Editing
- Sign up for Lightning Talks
- Implement a Singly-Linked List in Python
- Update your LinkedIn Profile
- Mail Room Madness: Planning
- Mail Room Madness: Building
- Mashup Part 1: Scraping Data from King County
- Mashup Part 2: Extending Your Mashup With Geolocation
- Mathematical Series
- Pimp Your Editor
- Sharpen your Python Skills
- Learn the Basics of HTML & CSS
- Learn the Basics of JavaScript
- Implement a Priority Queue in Python
- Group Project: Pitch Ideas
- Group Project: Form Groups
- Group Project: Create a Repository
- Group Project: Add a README
- Group Project: Begin Wireframes
- Group Project: Complete Wireframes
- Group Project: Begin User Stories
- Group Project: Estimate User Stories
- Group Project: Prioritize User Stories
- Group Project: Iteration Planning
- Group Project: Daily Standup
- Group Project: Final Presentation
- Group Project: Personal Retrospective
- Interview Challenge: Proper Parenthetics
- Web Protocols Readings
- Implement a Queue in Python
- Read the Python 401 Outline
- Recitation Assignment
- Sign Up for a Reddit Account
- Vulnerability Report
- Socket Communications
- TCP/IP and Sockets
- Implement Insertion Sort
- Implement Merge Sort
- Implement Quick Sort
- Implement Radix Sort
- Implement a Stack in Python
- Problem Set - Statistics 1
- Problem Set - Statistics 2
- Problem Set - Statistics 3
- Problem Set - Statistics 4
- Trie: AutoComplete
- Implement a Trie in Python
- Trie: Traversals
- Kata Fourteen: Tom Swift Under Milk Wood
- Create a Twitter Account
- Update Your Canvas Profile
- Break the Site/Fix the Site
- Break the Site/Fix Your Site
- Build a Simple WSGI App
- Producing and Consuming XML-RPC in Python