Python Learning Journal: Step 3

You’ve been writing your nightly journal entries in a group journal. It’s time you had one of your own.


Begin by opening a new branch step3 for the work in this assignment.

With your partner, create and configure the following views for your learning journal:

  • The add_entry view will display an empty form for a new entry. When the form is submitted, the view will create a new entry and return the user to the detail view of that entry.
  • The edit_entry view will display a form populated with the values from an existing entry. When the form is submitted, the view will update the existing entry with the newly submitted values.

Ensure that there is a link to your add_entry view visible on the front page of the site. Ensure that on each detail page there is a link leading to the edit_entry view for that entry.

When adding or editing an entry ensure that you can use markdown to format your entry text. You should be able to format and colorize code examples using github-style fenced code blocks with three ticks:

def exp(x, y):
    return x ** y

Make sure that you have both unit and functional tests that demonstrate the functionality of these views.

Submitting Your Work

When your work is done and all tests are passing, push your work to GitHub. Open a new pull request from the step3 branch to your master branch. Copy the URL for that pull request.

Submit a link to the pull request you created for the step3 branch.

Use the comment feature in canvas to submit the following:

  • At least one well-formed question about the work you did for this assignment
  • At least one comment on what went well
  • At least one comment on what was particularly difficult or challenging