Socket HTTP Server, Step 3

You will complete your simple HTTP server. Create a new branch called step3. Use this branch to do your work.


Ensure that your HTTP server is aware of a “root directory”, in which it will find any assets requested by clients. Consider the safety of your implementation of this feature.

Implement a function called resolve_uri that will take as an argument the URI parsed from a request and return a body and an indication of the type of content contained in the body (as a tuple).

  • If the resource identified by the URI is a directory, return a simple HTML listing of that directory as the body.
  • If the resource identified by the URI is a file, return the contents of the file as the body.
  • The content type value should be related to the type of file.
  • If the requested resource cannot be found, raise an appropriate error

Ensure that the body of the requested resource is returned in a “200 OK” response.

  • The response should include the appropriate header to indicate the type of resource being returned.
  • The response should also include the appropriate header to indicate the amount of content being returned.
  • The response should include any other valid HTTP headers you wish to add.

You will update your response_ok function to accomplish this task

Any errors raised should be appropriately handled and returned to the client as HTTP error responses with appropriate codes.

Write tests for each goal before you write the code to achieve it.

Update your README file with an expanded description of the server you’re building. Include any sources or collaborations you used.

Here is a directory you can use as a web home directory.

Submitting Your Work

When you are done and your tests are all passing, push your work to GitHub and submit a pull request from the step3 branch back to master. Copy the URL of the pull request. After you’ve created the pull request you may merge the step3 branch back to master.

Submit the URL of your pull request.

As with every primary submission, use the Comments feature for this submission to add questions, comments and reflections on the work you have done so far.