Manage AWS: Deploying a WSGI App

In class we walked through a manual deployment of a simple WSGI application.

Your task is to automate the process, adding fabric tasks that will allow you to upload an application, configure nginx to proxy that application, and restart nginx. Use your simple book database application as the app you upload.

Read about fabric.contrib.project and fabric.contrib.files for some helpful fabric tools.

One challenge in this assignment is to figure out how to start your wsgi server running and keep it running even though you are not continuously logged in to the AWS instance.

One possible solution to this is to apt-get install supervisord. You can then use the supervisorctl process to start a “program”. A very simple configuration might look like this:


command: /usr/bin/python -m bookapp
directory: /home/ubuntu
autostart: true

Another possibility (one which is a bit easier though eventually a bit less flexible) is to use the Linux process manager Upstart to run your app.

Your goal should be to have a single command you can run which deploys your latest application code to a running server on AWS. Something like this:

$ fab deploy

Submitting Your Work

To submit the assignment, upload your and any configuration templates you create. Also upload screenshots of the bookdb app running on your AWS Server.

Use the comments feature to add any questions, comments or reflections on your work.