Django Imager: Complete Front-End

In this series of assignments you will build a simple image management website using Django. Throughout the week, you’ve built parts of the front-end for this app. In this part, you’ll create and submit a reverse pull request containing all of your work for the week.


Make sure that all the requirements of the three previous assignments are completed. Double-check your work to be sure that your tests are running, and passing in Python 2 and Python 3. Polish up your HTML, CSS and JavaScript (if any) to make sure the site looks as attractive and useable as possible.

Submitting Your Work

Once you have completed all the work to set up the front-end for the Imager app. Please submit a final pull request that contains all the work you’ve done this week. The way to do that is as follows:

Find the last commit you made before you started working on the front end this week. Locate the hash for that commit. Checkout that hash with git checkout <hash>. This will put you in a “detached head” state. Checkout a new branch from here: git checkout -b front-end-review. Push your new branch up to github. Make a pull request from the master (which contains all the work you’ve done this week) to this new branch (which contains none of it). Submit the URL for that pull request.