Prework for Code 201: Foundations of Software Development
Welcome to Code 201!
As this course nears its start date, and you complete your enrollment, you will be invited to Canvas, our online Learning Management System. There you will be able to confirm your prework is complete, and submit the corresponding assignment as required.
Start on this prework as soon as you can and be sure to allow yourself adequate time to complete it. If you have tested in to this class, you’ll likely need a few dedicated hours to complete the computer setup, which is essential to a smooth start to class.
Note: All prework is due before the start of the first class.
Please Complete
- Complete Prep: Setup Your Accounts
- Complete Prep: Set Up Your Machine
- Read the Career Coaching Overview
- Complete Career: Status Report
- Complete Career: Professional Competency Self-Assessment
- Complete Career: Update Your Resume
- Complete Career: Prepare Your LinkedIn
- Complete Career: Social Media
- Complete Career: Emotional Intelligence
- Complete Create a Reading Notes Repo
- Complete Read: 01 - Introductory HTML and JavaScript
- Complete Git Practice
- Complete AI and Prompt Engineering
For Those Who Have Not Completed Code 102
These assignments are helpful for those who have not completed Code 102 but are still helpful if you have taken Code 102 and would like some review.
- Brush up on Algebra (1-2 hours)
- You don’t need to read through each topic, but you should have familiarity with most of them.
- These kinds of logical and mathematical concepts will be very useful to you as you dig into writing code.
- Practice the Terminal (1-2 hours)
- Please work through Sections 1 through 5 of this tutorial. Note: This tutorial is for everyone, even though the word “Linux” is in the title! The same commands work in Windows and MacOS terminals as well.
- Git tutorials (1-2 hours)
- There is a lot of useful information in the Udemy tutorial, but it is a lot to digest for beginners. Skim through it as you can while striving to acquire terminology and gaining an understanding of the large concepts. Learning about version control is one of the most challenging things in the first week of Code 201. Above all, for now, strive for a conceptual understanding of how version control works, and why we use it in software development. The details are much more easy to grasp once the concepts are in place.
- For a little hands-on practice, complete the first three exercises in this tutorial:
- Introduction to Git Commits
- Branching in Git
- Merging in Git
- HTML, CSS, and JS Tutorials (25-50 hours)
Complete these online tutorials prior to the first day of class.
- Intro to HTML+CSS
- up through and including the “Web development tools” section on Khan Academy
- Intro to JavaScript: Drawing and Animation on Khan Academy
- In the JavaScript course, do everything up through and including the section titled “Arrays”; do not worry about doing the section titled “Objects” or what follows.