Assignment Instructions
- Read for understanding the assigned resources for this class and watch any assigned videos.
- Skim and bookmark the additional resources provided.
- Add a new page to your reading notes.
- Add a link to this new page under the Table of Contents for this course.
- Complete the reading assignment in your new page by adding notes as follows:
- Begin with a statement addressing why this topic matters as it relates to what you are studying in this module.
- Answer each and every question or prompt presented in the assignment above.
- If there are no questions provided, summarize and explain this topic via an analogy from your previous work or home experience.
- Make a section in your notes titled
## Things I want to know more about
, and anytime a question arises in your mind, or something catches your curiosity, note it under this heading.
- If you utilize any content directly from the reading sources, be sure to identify what you are quoting, and cite the source.
To submit this assignment
- Publish your updates.
- Copy the rendered content, and paste it into the discussion.
Grading Rubric
- 0 points: Minimal effort
- 1 point: Insufficient effort
- 2 points: Sufficient effort