Session Six: Object oriented programming: Classes, instances, attributes, and subclassing¶
Review of Previous Class¶
- Argument Passing: *args, **kwargs
- comprehensions
- lambda
Homework review¶
Homework Questions?
If it seems harder than it should be – it is!
My Solution to the trigram:
- (dict.setdefault() trick...)
global keyword?
Unicode Notes¶
To put unicode in your source file, put:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
at the top of your file ... and be sure to save it as utf-8! (file->save with encoding in Sublime)
You also might want to put:
from __future__ import unicode_literals
Additional notes on using Unicode in Python see:
Object Oriented Programming¶
Object Oriented Programming¶
More about Python implementation than OO design/strengths/weaknesses
One reason for this:
Folks can’t even agree on what OO “really” means
See: The Quarks of Object-Oriented Development
- Deborah J. Armstrong
Is Python a “True” Object-Oriented Language?
(Doesn’t support full encapsulation, doesn’t require classes, etc...)
I don’t Care!
Good software design is about code re-use, clean separation of concerns, refactorability, testability, etc...
- OO can help with all that, but:
- It doesn’t guarantee it
- It can get in the way
Python is a Dynamic Language
That clashes with “pure” OO
- Think in terms of what makes sense for your project
- – not any one paradigm of software design.
So what is “object oriented programming”?
“Objects can be thought of as wrapping their data within a set of functions designed to ensure that the data are used appropriately, and to assist in that use”
Even simpler:
“Objects are data and the functions that act on them in one place.”
This is the core of “encapsulation”
In Python: just another namespace.
The OO buzzwords:
- data abstraction
- encapsulation
- modularity
- polymorphism
- inheritance
Python does all of this, though it doesn’t enforce it.
You can do OO in C
(see the GTK+ project)
“OO languages” give you some handy tools to make it easier (and safer):
- polymorphism (duck typing gives you this anyway)
- inheritance
OO is the dominant model for the past couple decades
You will need to use it:
- It’s a good idea for a lot of problems
- You’ll need to work with OO packages
(Even a fair bit of the standard library is Object Oriented)
- class
- A category of objects: particular data and behavior: A “circle” (same as a type in python)
- instance
- A particular object of a class: a specific circle
- object
- The general case of a instance – really any value (in Python anyway)
- attribute
- Something that belongs to an object (or class): generally thought of as a variable, or single object, as opposed to a ...
- method
- A function that belongs to a class
Note that in python, functions are first class objects, so a method is an attribute
Python Classes¶
Python Classes¶
The class statement
class creates a new type object:
In [4]: class C(object):
In [5]: type(C)
Out[5]: type
A class is a type – interesting!
It is created when the statement is run – much like def
You don’t have to subclass from object, but you should
(note on “new style” classes)
About the simplest class you can write
>>> class Point(object):
... x = 1
... y = 2
>>> Point
<class __main__.Point at 0x2bf928>
>>> Point.x
>>> p = Point()
>>> p
<__main__.Point instance at 0x2de918>
>>> p.x
Basic Structure of a real class:
class Point(object):
# everything defined in here is in the class namespace
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
## create an instance of the class
p = Point(3,4)
## access the attributes
print "p.x is:", p.x
print "p.y is:", p.y
see: Examples/Session06/simple_class
The Initializer
The __init__ special method is called when a new instance of a class is created.
You can use it to do any set-up you need
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
It gets the arguments passed when you call the class object:
Point(x, y)
What is this self thing?
The instance of the class is passed as the first parameter for every method.
“self” is only a convention – but you DO want to use it.
class Point(object):
def a_function(self, x, y):
Does this look familiar from C-style procedural programming?
Anything assigned to a self. attribute is kept in the instance name space – self is the instance.
That’s where all the instance-specific data is.
class Point(object):
size = 4
color= "red"
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
Anything assigned in the class scope is a class attribute – every instance of the class shares the same one.
Note: the methods defined by def are class attributes as well.
The class is one namespace, the instance is another.
class Point(object):
size = 4
color= "red"
def get_color():
return self.color
>>> p3.get_color()
class attributes are accessed with self also.
Typical methods:
class Circle(object):
color = "red"
def __init__(self, diameter):
self.diameter = diameter
def grow(self, factor=2):
self.diameter = self.diameter * factor
Methods take some parameters, manipulate the attributes in self.
They may or may not return something useful.
def grow(self, factor=2):
self.diameter = self.diameter * factor
In [205]: C = Circle(5)
In [206]: C.grow(2,3)
TypeError: grow() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)
Huh???? I only gave 2
self is implicitly passed in for you by python.
(demo of bound vs. unbound methods)
LAB / homework¶
Let’s say you need to render some html..
The goal is to build a set of classes that render an html page.
We’ll start with a single class, then add some sub-classes to specialize the behavior
Details in:
HTML Renderer Homework Assignment
Let’s see if we can do step 1. in class...
In object-oriented programming (OOP), inheritance is a way to reuse code of existing objects, or to establish a subtype from an existing object.
Objects are defined by classes, classes can inherit attributes and behavior from pre-existing classes called base classes or super classes.
The resulting classes are known as derived classes or subclasses.
A subclass “inherits” all the attributes (methods, etc) of the parent class.
You can then change (“override”) some or all of the attributes to change the behavior.
You can also add new attributes to extend the behavior.
The simplest subclass in Python:
class A_subclass(The_superclass):
A_subclass now has exactly the same behavior as The_superclass
NOTE: when we put object in there, it means we are deriving from object – getting core functionality of all objects.
Overriding attributes¶
Overriding is as simple as creating a new attribute with the same name:
class Circle(object):
color = "red"
class NewCircle(Circle):
color = "blue"
>>> nc = NewCircle
>>> print nc.color
all the self instances will have the new attribute.
Overriding methods¶
Same thing, but with methods (remember, a method is an attribute in python)
class Circle(object):
def grow(self, factor=2):
"""grows the circle's diameter by factor"""
self.diameter = self.diameter * factor
class NewCircle(Circle):
def grow(self, factor=2):
"""grows the area by factor..."""
self.diameter = self.diameter * math.sqrt(2)
all the instances will have the new method
- Here’s a program design suggestion:
whenever you override a method, the interface of the new method should be the same as the old. It should take the same parameters, return the same type, and obey the same preconditions and postconditions.
If you obey this rule, you will find that any function designed to work with an instance of a superclass, like a Deck, will also work with instances of subclasses like a Hand or PokerHand. If you violate this rule, your code will collapse like (sorry) a house of cards.
[ThinkPython 18.10]
( Demo of class vs. instance attributes )
More on Subclassing¶
Overriding __init__¶
__init__ common method to override}
You often need to call the super class __init__ as well
class Circle(object):
color = "red"
def __init__(self, diameter):
self.diameter = diameter
class CircleR(Circle):
def __init__(self, radius):
diameter = radius*2
Circle.__init__(self, diameter)
exception to: “don’t change the method signature” rule.
More subclassing¶
You can also call the superclass’ other methods:
class Circle(object):
def get_area(self, diameter):
return math.pi * (diameter/2.0)**2
class CircleR2(Circle):
def get_area(self):
return Circle.get_area(self, self.radius*2)
There is nothing special about __init__ except that it gets called automatically when you instantiate an instance.
When to Subclass¶
“Is a” relationship: Subclass/inheritance
“Has a” relationship: Composition
“Is a” vs “Has a”
You may have a class that needs to accumulate an arbitrary number of objects.
A list can do that – so should you subclass list?
Ask yourself:
– Is your class a list (with some extra functionality)?
– Does you class have a list?
You only want to subclass list if your class could be used anywhere a list can be used.
Attribute resolution order¶
When you access an attribute:
Python looks for it in this order:
- Is it an instance attribute ?
- Is it a class attribute ?
- Is it a superclass attribute ?
- Is it a super-superclass attribute ?
- ...
It can get more complicated...
What are Python classes, really?¶
Putting aside the OO theory...
Python classes are:
- Namespaces
- One for the class object
- One for each instance
- Attribute resolution order
- Auto tacking-on of self when methods are called
That’s about it – really!
Type-Based dispatch¶
You’ll see code that looks like this:
if isinstance(other, A_Class):
Usually better to use “duck typing” (polymorphism)
But when it’s called for:
- isinstance()
- issubclass()
GvR: “Five Minute Multi- methods in Python”:
Wrap Up¶
Thinking OO in Python:
Think about what makes sense for your code:
- Code re-use
- Clean APIs
- ...
Don’t be a slave to what OO is supposed to look like.
Let OO work for you, not create work for you
OO in Python:
The Art of Subclassing: Raymond Hettinger
“classes are for code re-use – not creating taxonomies”
Stop Writing Classes: Jack Diederich
“If your class has only two methods – and one of them is __init__ – you don’t need a class”
Build an html rendering system:
HTML Renderer Homework Assignment
You will build an html generator, using:
- A Base Class with a couple methods
- Subclasses overriding class attributes
- Subclasses overriding a method
- Subclasses overriding the __init__
These are the core OO approaches