Session Three: Sequences, Iteration and String Formatting¶
Review of Previous Session¶
- Functions
- Booleans
- Modules
Homework Review¶
Any questions that are nagging?
Ordered collections of objects
What is a Sequence?¶
Remember Duck Typing? A sequence can be considered as anything that supports at least these operations:
- Indexing
- Slicing
- Membership
- Concatenation
- Length
- Iteration
Sequence Types¶
There are seven builtin types in Python that are sequences:
- strings
- Unicode strings
- lists
- tuples
- bytearrays
- buffers
- array.arrays
- xrange objects (almost)
For this class, you won’t see much beyond the string types, lists, tuples – the rest are pretty special purpose.
But what we say today applies to all sequences (with minor caveats)
Items in a sequence may be looked up by index using the subscription operator: []
Indexing in Python always starts at zero.
In [98]: s = u"this is a string"
In [99]: s[0]
Out[99]: u't'
In [100]: s[5]
Out[100]: u'i'
You can use negative indexes to count from the end:
In [105]: s = u"this is a string"
In [106]: s[-1]
Out[106]: u'g'
In [107]: s[-6]
Out[107]: u's'
Indexing beyond the end of a sequence causes an IndexError:
In [4]: s = [0, 1, 2, 3]
In [5]: s[4]
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-42efaba84d8b> in <module>()
----> 1 s[4]
IndexError: list index out of range
Slicing a sequence creates a new sequence with a range of objects from the original sequence.
It also uses the subscription operator ([]), but with a twist.
sequence[start:finish] returns all sequence[i] for which start <= i < finish:
In [121]: s = u"a bunch of words"
In [122]: s[2]
Out[122]: u'b'
In [123]: s[6]
Out[123]: u'h'
In [124]: s[2:6]
Out[124]: u'bunc'
In [125]: s[2:7]
Out[125]: u'bunch'
Think of the indexes as pointing to the spaces between the items:
a b u n c h o f
| | | | | | | | | |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
You do not have to provide both start and finish:
In [6]: s = u"a bunch of words"
In [7]: s[:5]
Out[7]: u'a bun'
In [8]: s[5:]
Out[8]: u'ch of words'
Either 0 or len(s) will be assumed, respectively.
You can combine this with the negative index to get the end of a sequence:
In [4]: s = u'this_could_be_a_filename.txt'
In [5]: s[:-4]
Out[5]: u'this_could_be_a_filename'
In [6]: s[-4:]
Out[6]: u'.txt'
Why start from zero?¶
Python indexing feels ‘weird’ to some folks – particularly those that don’t come with a background in the C family of languages.
Why is the “first” item indexed with zero?
Why is the last item in the slice not included?
Because these lead to some nifty properties:
len(seq[a:b]) == b-a
seq[:b] + seq[b:] == seq
len(seq[:b]) == b
len(seq[-b:]) == b
There are very many fewer “off by one” errors as a result.
Slicing takes a third argument, step which controls which items are returned:
In [289]: string = u"a fairly long string"
In [290]: string[0:15]
Out[290]: u'a fairly long s'
In [291]: string[0:15:2]
Out[291]: u'afil ogs'
In [292]: string[0:15:3]
Out[292]: u'aallg'
In [293]: string[::-1]
Out[293]: u'gnirts gnol ylriaf a'
Though they share an operator, slicing and indexing have a few important differences:
Indexing will always return one object, slicing will return a sequence of objects.
Indexing past the end of a sequence will raise an error, slicing will not:
In [129]: s = "a bunch of words"
In [130]: s[17]
----> 1 s[17]
IndexError: string index out of range
In [131]: s[10:20]
Out[131]: ' words'
In [132]: s[20:30]
Out[132]: "
All sequences support the in and not in membership operators:
In [15]: s = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
In [16]: 5 in s
Out[16]: True
In [17]: 42 in s
Out[17]: False
In [18]: 42 not in s
Out[18]: True
For strings, the membership operations are like substring operations in other languages:
In [20]: s = u"This is a long string"
In [21]: u"long" in s
Out[21]: True
This does not work for sub-sequences of other types (can you think of why?):
In [22]: s = [1, 2, 3, 4]
In [23]: [2, 3] in s
Out[23]: False
Using + or * on sequences will concatenate them:
In [25]: s1 = u"left"
In [26]: s2 = u"right"
In [27]: s1 + s2
Out[27]: u'leftright'
In [28]: (s1 + s2) * 3
Out[28]: u'leftrightleftrightleftright'
You can apply this concatenation to slices as well, leading to some nicely concise code:
from CodingBat: Warmup-1 – front3
def front3(str):
if len(str) < 3:
return str+str+str
return str[:3]+str[:3]+str[:3]
This non-pythonic solution can also be expressed like so:
def front3(str):
return str[:3] * 3
All sequences have a length. You can get it with the len builtin:
In [36]: s = u"how long is this, anyway?"
In [37]: len(s)
Out[37]: 25
Remember, Python sequences are zero-indexed, so the last index in a sequence is len(s) - 1:
In [38]: count = len(s)
In [39]: s[count]
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-39-5a33b9d3e525> in <module>()
----> 1 s[count]
IndexError: string index out of range
Even better: use s[-1]
There are a more operations supported by all sequences
All sequences also support the min and max builtins:
In [42]: all_letters = u"thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
In [43]: min(all_letters)
Out[43]: u'a'
In [44]: max(all_letters)
Out[44]: u'z'
Why are those the answers you get? (hint: ord(u'a'))
All sequences also support the index method, which returns the index of the first occurence of an item in the sequence:
In [46]: all_letters.index(u'd')
Out[46]: 21
This causes a ValueError if the item is not in the sequence:
In [47]: all_letters.index(u'A')
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-47-2db728a46f78> in <module>()
----> 1 all_letters.index(u'A')
ValueError: substring not found
A sequence can also be queried for the number of times a particular item appears:
In [52]: all_letters.count(u'o')
Out[52]: 4
In [53]: all_letters.count(u'the')
Out[53]: 2
This does not raise an error if the item you seek is not present:
In [54]: all_letters.count(u'A')
Out[54]: 0
More on this in a while.
Lists, Tuples...¶
The other sequence types.
Lists can be constructed using list Literals ([]):
In [1]: []
Out[1]: []
In [2]: [1,2,3]
Out[2]: [1, 2, 3]
In [3]: [1, 'a', 7.34]
Out[3]: [1, 'a', 7.34]
Or by using the list type object as a constructor:
In [6]: list()
Out[6]: []
In [7]: list(range(4))
Out[7]: [0, 1, 2, 3]
In [8]: list('abc')
Out[8]: ['a', 'b', 'c']
The elements contained in a list need not be of a single type.
Lists are heterogenous, ordered collections.
Each element in a list is a value, and can be in multiple lists and have multiple names (or no name)
In [9]: name = u'Brian'
In [10]: a = [1, 2, name]
In [11]: b = [3, 4, name]
In [12]: a[2]
Out[12]: u'Brian'
In [13]: b[2]
Out[13]: u'Brian'
In [14]: a[2] is b[2]
Out[14]: True
Tuples can be constructed using tuple literals (()):
In [15]: ()
Out[15]: ()
In [16]: (1, 2)
Out[16]: (1, 2)
In [17]: (1, 'a', 7.65)
Out[17]: (1, 'a', 7.65)
In [18]: (1,)
Out[18]: (1,)
Tuples don’t NEED parentheses...
In [161]: t = (1,2,3)
In [162]: t
Out[162]: (1, 2, 3)
In [163]: t = 1,2,3
In [164]: t
Out[164]: (1, 2, 3)
In [165]: type(t)
Out[165]: tuple
But they do need commas...!
In [156]: t = ( 3 )
In [157]: type(t)
Out[157]: int
In [158]: t = (3,)
In [160]: type(t)
Out[160]: tuple
You can also use the tuple type object to convert any sequence into a tuple:
In [20]: tuple()
Out[20]: ()
In [21]: tuple(range(4))
Out[21]: (0, 1, 2, 3)
In [22]: tuple('garbanzo')
Out[22]: ('g', 'a', 'r', 'b', 'a', 'n', 'z', 'o')
The elements contained in a tuple need not be of a single type.
Tuples are heterogenous, ordered collections.
Each element in a tuple is a value, and can be in multiple tuples and have multiple names (or no name)
In [23]: name = u'Brian'
In [24]: other = name
In [25]: a = (1, 2, name)
In [26]: b = (3, 4, other)
In [27]: for i in range(3):
....: print a[i] is b[i],
False False True
So Why Have Both?

image from flickr by illuminaut, (CC by-nc-sa)
Mutability in Python¶
All objects in Python fall into one of two camps:
- Mutable
- Immutable
Objects which are mutable may be changed in place.
Objects which are immutable may not be changed.
Immutable | Mutable |
Unicode | List |
String | |
Integer | |
Float | |
Tuple |
Try this out:
In [28]: food = [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham']
In [29]: food
Out[29]: [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham']
In [30]: food[1] = u'raspberries'
In [31]: food
Out[31]: [u'spam', u'raspberries', u'ham']
And repeat the exercise with a Tuple:
In [32]: food = (u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham')
In [33]: food
Out[33]: (u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham')
In [34]: food[1] = u'raspberries'
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-0c3401794933> in <module>()
----> 1 food[1] = u'raspberries'
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
This property means you need to be aware of what you are doing with your lists:
In [36]: original = [1, 2, 3]
In [37]: altered = original
In [38]: for i in range(len(original)):
....: if True:
....: altered[i] += 1
Perhaps we want to check to see if altered has been updated, as a flag for whatever condition caused it to be updated.
What is the result of this code?
Our altered list has been updated:
In [39]: altered
Out[39]: [2, 3, 4]
But so has the original list:
In [40]: original
Out[40]: [2, 3, 4]
Easy container setup, or deadly trap?
(note: you can nest lists to make a 2D-ish array)
In [13]: bins = [ [] ] * 5
In [14]: bins
Out[14]: [[], [], [], [], []]
In [15]: words = [u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof']
In [16]: for word in words:
....: bins[len(word)-1].append(word)
So, what is going to be in bins now?
In [65]: bins
[[u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof'],
[u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof'],
[u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof'],
[u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof'],
[u'one', u'three', u'rough', u'sad', u'goof']]
We multiplied a sequence containing a single mutable object.
We got a list containing five pointers to a single mutable object.
Watch out especially for passing mutable objects as default values for function parameters:
In [71]: def accumulator(count, list=[]):
....: for i in range(count):
....: list.append(i)
....: return list
In [72]: accumulator(5)
Out[72]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
In [73]: accumulator(7)
Out[73]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Mutable Sequence Methods¶
In addition to all the methods supported by sequences we’ve seen above, mutable sequences (the List), have a number of other methods that are used to change the list.
You can find all these in the Standard Library Documentation:
You’ve already seen changing a single element of a list by assignment.
Pretty much the same as “arrays” in most languages:
In [100]: list = [1, 2, 3]
In [101]: list[2] = 10
In [102]: list
Out[102]: [1, 2, 10]
Growing the List¶
.append(), .insert(), .extend()
In [74]: food = [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham']
In [75]: food.append(u'sushi')
In [76]: food
Out[76]: [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham', u'sushi']
In [77]: food.insert(0, u'beans')
In [78]: food
Out[78]: [u'beans', u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham', u'sushi']
In [79]: food.extend([u'bread', u'water'])
In [80]: food
Out[80]: [u'beans', u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham', u'sushi', u'bread', u'water']
You can pass any sequence to .extend():
In [85]: food
Out[85]: [u'beans', u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham', u'sushi', u'bread', u'water']
In [86]: food.extend(u'spaghetti')
In [87]: food
[u'beans', u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham', u'sushi', u'bread', u'water',
u's', u'p', u'a', u'g', u'h', u'e', u't', u't', u'i']
Shrinking the List¶
.pop(), .remove()
In [203]: food = ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'toast']
In [204]: food.pop()
Out[204]: 'toast'
In [205]: food.pop(0)
Out[205]: 'spam'
In [206]: food
Out[206]: ['eggs', 'ham']
In [207]: food.remove('ham')
In [208]: food
Out[208]: ['eggs']
You can also delete slices of a list with the del keyword:
In [92]: nums = range(10)
In [93]: nums
Out[93]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [94]: del nums[1:6:2]
In [95]: nums
Out[95]: [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [96]: del nums[-3:]
In [97]: nums
Out[97]: [0, 2, 4, 6]
Copying Lists¶
You can make copies of part of a list using slicing:
In [227]: food = ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'sushi']
In [228]: some_food = food[1:3]
In [229]: some_food[1] = 'bacon'
In [230]: food
Out[230]: ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'sushi']
In [231]: some_food
Out[231]: ['eggs', 'bacon']
If you provide no arguments to the slice, it makes a copy of the entire list:
In [232]: food
Out[232]: ['spam', 'eggs', 'ham', 'sushi']
In [233]: food2 = food[:]
In [234]: food is food2
Out[234]: False
The copy of a list made this way is a shallow copy.
The list is itself a new object, but the objects it contains are not.
Mutable objects in the list can be mutated in both copies:
In [249]: food = ['spam', ['eggs', 'ham']]
In [251]: food_copy = food[:]
In [252]: food[1].pop()
Out[252]: 'ham'
In [253]: food
Out[253]: ['spam', ['eggs']]
In [256]: food.pop(0)
Out[256]: 'spam'
In [257]: food
Out[257]: [['eggs']]
In [258]: food_copy
Out[258]: ['spam', ['eggs']]
Consider this common pattern:
for x in somelist:
if should_be_removed(x):
This looks benign enough, but changing a list while you are iterating over it can be the cause of some pernicious bugs.
For example:
In [121]: list = range(10)
In [122]: list
Out[122]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
In [123]: for x in list:
.....: list.remove(x)
In [124]: list
Out[124]: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Was that what you expected?
Iterate over a copy, and mutate the original:
In [126]: list = range(10)
In [127]: for x in list[:]:
.....: list.remove(x)
In [128]: list
Out[128]: []
Okay, so we’ve done this a bunch already, but let’s state it out loud.
You can iterate over a sequence.
for element in sequence:
Again, we’ll touch more on this in a short while, but first a few more words about Lists and Tuples.
Miscellaneous List Methods¶
These methods change a list in place and are not available on immutable sequence types.
In [129]: food = [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham']
In [130]: food.reverse()
In [131]: food
Out[131]: [u'ham', u'eggs', u'spam']
In [132]: food.sort()
In [133]: food
Out[133]: [u'eggs', u'ham', u'spam']
Because these methods mutate the list in place, they have a return value of None
.sort() can take an optional key parameter.
It should be a function that takes one parameter (list items one at a time) and returns something that can be used for sorting:
In [137]: def third_letter(string):
.....: return string[2]
In [138]: food.sort(key=third_letter)
In [139]: food
Out[139]: [u'spam', u'eggs', u'ham']
List Performance¶
- indexing is fast and constant time: O(1)
- x in s proportional to n: O(n)
- visiting all is proportional to n: O(n)
- operating on the end of list is fast and constant time: O(1)
- append(), pop()
- operating on the front (or middle) of the list depends on n: O(n)
- pop(0), insert(0, v)
- But, reversing is fast. Also, collections.deque
Choosing Lists or Tuples¶
Here are a few guidelines on when to choose a list or a tuple:
- If it needs to mutable: list
- If it needs to be immutable: tuple
- (safety when passing to a function)
Otherwise ... taste and convention
Lists are Collections (homogeneous): – contain values of the same type – simplifies iterating, sorting, etc
tuples are mixed types: – Group multiple values into one logical thing – Kind of like simple C structs.
- Do the same operation to each element?
- list
- Small collection of values which make a single logical item?
- tuple
- To document that these values won’t change?
- tuple
- Build it iteratively?
- list
- Transform, filter, etc?
- list
More Documentation¶
For more information, read the list docs:
(actually any mutable sequence....)
Repetition, Repetition, Repetition, Repe...
For Loops¶
We’ve seen simple iteration over a sequence with for ... in:
In [170]: for x in "a string":
.....: print x
Contrast this with other languages, where you must build and use an index:
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
var value = arr[i];
alert(i + ") " + value);
If you need an index, though you can use enumerate:
In [140]: for idx, letter in enumerate(u'Python'):
.....: print idx, letter,
0 P 1 y 2 t 3 h 4 o 5 n
The range builtin is useful for looping a known number of times:
In [171]: for i in range(5):
.....: print i
But you don’t really need to do anything at all with i
Be alert that a loop does not create a local namespace:
In [172]: x = 10
In [173]: for x in range(3):
.....: pass
In [174]: x
Out[174]: 2
Sometimes you want to interrupt or alter the flow of control through a loop.
Loops can be controlled in two ways, with break and continue
The break keyword will cause a loop to immediately terminate:
In [141]: for i in range(101):
.....: print i
.....: if i > 50:
.....: break
0 1 2 3 4 5... 46 47 48 49 50 51
The continue keyword will skip later statements in the loop block, but allow iteration to continue:
In [143]: for in in range(101):
.....: if i > 50:
.....: break
.....: if i < 25:
.....: continue
.....: print i,
25 26 27 28 29 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
For loops can also take an optional else block.
Executed only when the loop exits normally (not via break):
In [147]: for x in range(10):
.....: if x == 11:
.....: break
.....: else:
.....: print 'finished'
In [148]: for x in range(10):
.....: if x == 5:
.....: print x
.....: break
.....: else:
.....: print 'finished'
This is a really nice unique Python feature!
While Loops¶
The while keyword is for when you don’t know how many loops you need.
It continues to execute the body until condition is not True:
while a_condition:
while is more general than for
– you can always express for as while,
but not always vice-versa.
while is more error-prone – requires some care to terminate
loop body must make progress, so condition can become False
potential error – infinite loops:
i = 0;
while i < 5:
print i
Use break:
In [150]: while True:
.....: i += 1
.....: if i > 10:
.....: break
.....: print i
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Set a flag:
In [156]: import random
In [157]: keep_going = True
In [158]: while keep_going:
.....: num = random.choice(range(5))
.....: print num
.....: if num == 3:
.....: keep_going = False
Use a condition:
In [161]: while i < 10:
.....: i += random.choice(range(4))
.....: print i
0 0 2 3 4 6 8 8 8 9 12
Both for and while loops can use break and continue for internal flow control.
Both for and while loops can have an optional else block
In both loops, the statements in the else block are only executed if the loop terminates normally (no break)
String Features¶
Fun with Strings
split and join:
In [167]: csv = "comma, separated, values"
In [168]: csv.split(', ')
Out[168]: ['comma', 'separated', 'values']
In [169]: psv = '|'.join(csv.split(', '))
In [170]: psv
Out[170]: 'comma|separated|values'
In [171]: sample = u'A long string of words'
In [172]: sample.upper()
In [173]: sample.lower()
Out[173]: u'a long string of words'
In [174]: sample.swapcase()
In [175]: sample.title()
Out[175]: u'A Long String Of Words'
In [181]: number = u"12345"
In [182]: number.isnumeric()
Out[182]: True
In [183]: number.isalnum()
Out[183]: True
In [184]: number.isalpha()
Out[184]: False
In [185]: fancy = u"Th!$ $tr!ng h@$ $ymb0l$"
In [186]: fancy.isalnum()
Out[186]: False
Ordinal values¶
“ASCII” values: 1-127
“ANSI” values: 1-255
To get the value:
In [109]: for i in 'Chris':
.....: print ord(i),
67 104 114 105 115
In [110]: for i in (67,104,114,105,115):
.....: print chr(i),
C h r i s
Building Strings¶
You can, but please don’t do this:
'Hello ' + name + '!'
Do this instead:
'Hello %s!' % name
It’s much faster and safer, and easier to modify as code gets complicated.
The string format operator: %
In [261]: u"an integer is: %i" % 34
Out[261]: u'an integer is: 34'
In [262]: u"a floating point is: %f" % 34.5
Out[262]: u'a floating point is: 34.500000'
In [263]: u"a string is: %s" % u"anything"
Out[263]: u'a string is: anything'
Multiple placeholders:
In [264]: u"the number %s is %i" % (u'five', 5)
Out[264]: u'the number five is 5'
In [266]: u"the first 3 numbers are: %i, %i, %i" % (1,2,3)
Out[266]: u'the first 3 numbers are: 1, 2, 3'
The counts must agree:
In [187]: u"string with %i formatting %s" % (1, )
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
Named placeholders:
In [191]: u"Hello, %(name)s, whaddaya know?" % {u'name': "Joe"}
Out[191]: u'Hello, Joe, whaddaya know?'
You can use values more than once, and skip values:
In [193]: u"Hi, %(name)s. Howzit, %(name)s?" % {u'name': u"Bob", u'age': 27}
Out[193]: u'Hi, Bob. Howzit, Bob?'
In more recent versions of Python (2.6+) this is being phased out in favor of the .format() method on strings.
In [194]: u"Hello, {}, how's your {}".format(u"Bob", u"wife")
Out[194]: u"Hello, Bob, how's your wife"
In [195]: u"Hi, {name}. How's your {relation}?".format(name=u'Bob', relation=u'wife')
Out[195]: u"Hi, Bob. How's your wife?"
For both of these forms of string formatting, there is a complete syntax for specifying all sorts of options.
It’s well worth your while to spend some time getting to know this formatting language. You can accomplish a great deal just with this.
One Last Trick¶
For some of your homework, you’ll need to interact with a user at the command line.
There’s a nice builtin function to do this - raw_input:
In [196]: fred = raw_input('type something-->')
type something-->;alksdjf
In [197]: fred
Out[197]: ';alksdjf'
This will display a prompt to the user, allowing them to input text and allowing you to bind that input to a symbol.
Task 1¶
List Lab (after
In your student folder, create a new file called
The file should be an executable python script. That is to say that one should be able to run the script directly like so:
$ ./
Add the file to your clone of the repository and commit changes frequently while working on the following tasks. When you are done, push your changes to GitHub and issue a pull request.
When the script is run, it should accomplish the following four series of actions:
- Create a list that contains “Apples”, “Pears”, “Oranges” and “Peaches”.
- Display the list.
- Ask the user for another fruit and add it to the end of the list.
- Display the list.
- Ask the user for a number and display the number back to the user and the fruit corresponding to that number (on a 1-is-first basis).
- Add another fruit to the beginning of the list using “+” and display the list.
- Add another fruit to the beginning of the list using insert() and display the list.
- Display all the fruits that begin with “P”, using a for loop.
Using the list created in series 1 above:
- Display the list.
- Remove the last fruit from the list.
- Display the list.
- Ask the user for a fruit to delete and find it and delete it.
- (Bonus: Multiply the list times two. Keep asking until a match is found. Once found, delete all occurrences.)
Again, using the list from series 1:
- Ask the user for input displaying a line like “Do you like apples?”
- for each fruit in the list (making the fruit all lowercase).
- For each “no”, delete that fruit from the list.
- For any answer that is not “yes” or “no”, prompt the user to answer with one of those two values (a while loop is good here):
- Display the list.
Once more, using the list from series 1:
- Make a copy of the list and reverse the letters in each fruit in the copy.
- Delete the last item of the original list. Display the original list and the copy.
Task 2¶
The ROT13 encryption scheme is a simple substitution cypher where each letter in a text is replace by the letter 13 away from it (imagine the alphabet as a circle, so it wraps around).
Add a python module named to your student folder. This module should provide at least one function called rot13 that takes any amount of text and returns that same text encrypted by ROT13.
This function should preserve whitespace, punctuation and capitalization.
Your module should include an if __name__ == '__main__': block with tests that demonstrate that your rot13 function and any helper functions you add work properly.
There is a “short-cut” available that will help you accomplish this task. Some spelunking in the documentation for strings should help you to find it. If you do find it, using it is completely fair game.
As usual, add your new file to your local clone right away. Make commits early and often and include commit messages that are descriptive and concise.
When you are done, push your changes to github and issue a pull request.
Task 3¶
“Mail Room”
You work in the mail room at a local charity. Part of your job is to write incredibly boring, repetitive emails thanking your donors for their generous gifts. You are tired of doing this over an over again, so you’ve decided to let Python help you out of a jam.
Write a small command-line script called As with Task 1, This script should be executable. The script should accomplish the following goals:
- It should have a data structure that holds a list of your donors and a history of the amounts they have donated. This structure should be populated at first with at least five donors, with between 1 and 3 donations each
- The script should prompt the user (you) to choose from a menu of 2 actions: ‘Send a Thank You’ or ‘Create a Report’.
- If the user (you) selects ‘Send a Thank You’, prompt for a Full Name.
- If the user types ‘list’, show them a list of the donor names and re-prompt
- If the user types a name not in the list, add that name to the data structure and use it.
- If the user types a name in the list, use it.
- Once a name has been selected, prompt for a donation amount.
- Verify that the amount is in fact a number, and re-prompt if it isn’t.
- Once an amount has been given, add that amount to the donation history of the selected user.
- Finally, use string formatting to compose an email thanking the donor for their generous donation. Print the email to the terminal and return to the original prompt.
It is fine to forget new donors once the script quits running.
- If the user (you) selected ‘Create a Report’ Print a list of your donors,
sorted by total historical donation amount.
- Include Donor Name, total donated, number of donations and average donation amount as values in each row.
- Using string formatting, format the output rows as nicely as possible. The end result should be tabular (values in each column should align with those above and below)
- After printing this report, return to the original prompt.
- At any point, the user should be able to quit their current task and return to the original prompt.
- From the original prompt, the user should be able to quit the script cleanly
First, factor your script into separate functions. Each of the above tasks can be accomplished by a series of steps. Write discreet functions that accomplish individual steps and call them.
Second, use loops to control the logical flow of your program. Interactive programs are a classic use-case for the while loop.
Put the functions you write into the script at the top.
Put your main interaction into an if __name__ == '__main__' block.
Finally, use only functions and the basic Python data types you’ve learned about so far. There is no need to go any farther than that for this assignment.
As always, put the new file in your student directory in a session03 directory, and add it to your clone early. Make frequent commits with good, clear messages about what you are doing and why.
When you are done, push your changes and make a pull request.