K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier

Another classifier, the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm seeks to categorize new data based on the labels of the K closest data points. “Closeness” is determined by the distance between test point \(p\) with characteristics \((p_1, p_2,..., p_N)\) and another point \(q\) with characteristics \((q_1, q_2,..., q_N)\).

The distance between any two points can be calculated as

\[d = \sqrt{(p_1 - q_1)^2 + (p_2 - q_2)^2 + ... (p_N - q_N)^2}\]

Assuming that \(p\) and \(q\) are NumPy arrays, the function for measuring distance is:

import numpy as np

def distance(p, q):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum((p - q)**2))
K-Nearest Neighbors example Visualization of the results of a K-Nearest Neighbors fitting function

The Algorithm

  1. Use characteristics of interest to calculate the distances between point \(p\) and all other points
  2. Sort points in order of distance from \(p\)
  3. Keep the first \(K\) points
  4. Tally the number of points in each class
  5. If the tally is tied between classes, reduce K by 1 and count again
  6. Assign to \(p\) the class with the highest total


  • The cost of the learning process is zero
  • Often successful when labeled data is well-mixed or data boundaries are irregular.


  • Very inefficient for large data sets
  • There’s no real model to interpret
  • Performance depends on the number of dimensions
  • Inconsistent results when there’s ties in votes


  • neighbors: the number of nearby points from which to inherit a label


  • clf.predict(full_data, test_data): given some full data set, predict the classifications on a new data set of one or many points.