K-Means Classifier

The job of the K-Means Classifier is to establish \(k\) nodes, each one representing the “center” of a cluster of data. For each node desired then, the algorithm positions that center (called a “centroid”) at the point where the distance between it and the nearest points is on average smaller than the distance between those points and the next node.

K-Means Nodes

The Algorithm

  1. Within the space of your data, choose \(k\) nodes to have random positions.
  2. Calculate the distance between every data point and each node.
  3. For each data point, assign its “class” to whichever node is closest.
  4. Using these tentative classes, find the average position (i.e. the mean) of each class. Basically, where’s the “center” of each class?
  5. Move each node to the position of its class’s center.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until the nodes don’t move much anymore or until you’ve reached some maximum number of iterations.
  7. Assign the resulting classes to the data.


  • Will always result in a solution.
  • Generally good at picking centroids when data shows believable separations.


  • Computationally expensive for large data sets
  • Highly dependent on how data is clustered. Also highly dependent on what data is present. Under-sampling skews results.
  • Highly dependent on where centroids are initialized. Problematic when they’re close to each other.
  • Highly dependent on how many centroids are initialized.
  • Number of centroids may not correspond to actual number of separations in data; entirely at the mercy of the programmer.
  • Poor at predicting separations in irregularly shaped data (e.g. elongated clusters)


  • centroids: the number of clusters expected from the data
  • max_iter: the number of iterations before the algorithm stops
  • min_step: the smallest difference in distance between an old centroid and a new centroid before the algorithm stops


  • clf.fit(full_data, k): generate \(k\) nodes for classifying data.
  • clf.predict(some_data): predict classification (i.e. if \(k = 2\) then class 1 or 2) on data.