A Python Miscellany: Decorators

In this lesson we will discuss another of the available features of programming in Python. We’ll be exploring the idea and implementation of “decorators”. We’ll see how this programming pattern can help us to be more flexible in our Python work.

Review of Functions

A Short Digression

We’ve discussed them at length elsewhere, and have been using them for some time. But for a moment, cast your mind back to the basics of functions. They allow us to encapsulate some functionality. We can pass in values in the form of parameters. And we can return values from them after their operation is complete.

In [1]: def multiply(x, y):
   ...:     return x * y

In [2]: multiply(3, 4)
Out[2]: 12


Recall as well that functions have scope. The names they bind inside themselves are separate from names bound outside. We can see these namespaces in action using the locals and globals builtins:

In [3]: x = "a value"
In [4]: y = "another value"
In [5]: def fun(x):
   ...:     x = "an internal value"
   ...:     print(locals())
In [6]: print(globals())
{'x': 'a value', 'y': 'another value'}
In [7]: fun(x)
{'x': 'an internal value'}

Still, just because there is a local namespace does not mean that we cannot access global values inside a function. Python looks first in the local function namespace. But if a name is not found there, it will move to the global namespace to find it:

In [12]: global_val = "a global value"
In [13]: def fun():
   ....:     print(global_val)
In [14]: fun()
a global value

However, it is the case that Python protects us from changing global values from inside a function. If we try to rebind a global name inside a scope, then the name becomes local. Note that this is different from mutating a global value (which is not prevented).

In [15]: a_string = "I am outside"
In [16]: def fun():
   ....:     a_string = "I am inside"
   ....:     print(locals())
In [17]: fun()
{'a_string': 'I am inside'}
In [18]: print(a_string)
I am outside

Variable Lifetime

Remember also that scoping means that variables inside a function have a lifetime. They exist when the function is executed. But when it exits, they are gone. They only exist for the duration of the function call:

In [24]: def fun():
   ....:     z = 5
   ....:     print(z)
In [25]: fun()
In [26]: z
NameError: name 'z' is not defined

And we also understand that parameters, when passed to our functions as arguments, become locally bound names. They are bound inside the function scope to the value of the arguments passed:

In [27]: def fun(x, y=0):
   ....:     return x - y
In [28]: fun(3, 1)
Out[28]: 2
In [29]: fun(x=5, y=2)
Out[29]: 3
In [30]: fun(y=1, x=3)
Out[30]: 2
In [31]: fun(3)
Out[31]: 3

Python even allows function to be defined inside local scopes. You can define a function inside another function. And the name of the function is locally scoped just like any other name:

In [32]: def outer():
   ....:     x = 5
   ....:     def inner():
   ....:         print(x)
   ....:     inner()
In [33]: outer()
In [34]: x
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
In [35]: inner
NameError: name 'inner' is not defined

First Class Objects

We’ve talked a number of times about this. What does it mean, though? Well, first of all, it means that like any other value in Python, functions are subclasses of object:

In [36]: issubclass((42).__class__, object)
Out[36]: True
In [37]: def fun():
   ....:     pass
In [38]: issubclass(fun.__class__, object)
Out[38]: True

Functions as Arguments

Second, it means that we can pass functions in as arguments to other functions. The function object is bound to the parameter name inside the function scope. And we can use that passed function inside the function to do work:

In [41]: def add(x, y):
   ....:     return x + y
In [42]: def apply(func, a, b):
   ....:     return func(a, b)
In [43]: apply(add, 3, 4)
Out[43]: 7

Functions as Return Values

Finally, it means that we can return functions as the result of calling other functions. A function object is bound locally to the name it takes. We can reference that name and get the function object. This means we can return the value by using the name of the function in the local scope:

In [44]: def outer():
   ....:     def inner():
   ....:         print("this is the inner function")
   ....:     return inner

In [45]: fun = outer()
In [46]: fun()
this is the inner function


This finally brings us to the idea of a closure. Instead of defining it, let’s look at a quick series of examples.

In [47]: def outer():
   ....:     x = 5
   ....:     def inner():
   ....:         print(x)
   ....:     return inner
In [48]: foo = outer()

We understand now what foo is. It is the inner function object that was defined inside outer. We also know the rules of Python scoping and variable lifetime. The question is, will foo run, or raise an error?

In [49]: foo()

Okay, that works. Python remembers the value that x was bound to when inner was defined. This allows the function to execute properly, even though it happens outside the scope of outer. Let’s take it one step farther, and make x a parameter of outer:

In [50]: def outer(x):
   ....:     def inner():
   ....:         print(x)
   ....:     return inner
In [51]: foo1 = outer(1)
In [52]: foo2 = outer(2)
In [53]: foo1()
In [54]: foo2()

This pattern can be pretty powerful. It allows you to create a sort of factory that can manufacture functions, each with its own private internal variables. You can do alot with this idea alone. But what if the value you pass to outer is a function?

Decorator Defined

There are many things you can do with a simple pattern like this one. So many, that it has been given a special name:


"A decorator is a function that takes a function as an argument and returns a function as a return value."

That’s nice and all, but why is it useful?

An Example

Imagine you are trying to debug a module with a number of simple functions like this:

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

You want to see when each function is called. You’d like to know what arguments were used and what the result was. So you rewrite each function as follows:

def add(a, b):
    print(u"Function 'add' called with args: %r" % locals())
    result = a + b
    print(u"\tResult --> %r" % result)
    return result

That’s not particularly nice, especially if you have lots of functions in your module. You rewrite a lot of code. And then the code is always logged, even if you don’t want it.

Now imagine we defined the following, more generic decorator:

def logged_func(func):
    def logged(*args, **kwargs):
        print(u"Function %r called" % func.__name__)
        if args:
            print(u"\twith args: %r" % args)
        if kwargs:
            print(u"\twith kwargs: %r" % kwargs)
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        print(u"\t Result --> %r" % result)
        return result
    return logged

This version wraps a call to the passed func relying on closure to bake in the reference. It then returns the wrapped function as a new function object. Since we can bind the result of calling this decorator to a new symbol, we can make logging versions of our module functions. And when we call them, we’ll see the logging in action:

In [36]: logging_add = logged_func(add)
In [37]: logging_add(3, 4)
Function 'add' called
    with args: (3, 4)
     Result --> 7
Out[37]: 7

This is nice, but we have to call the new function wherever we originally had the old one. We still need to re-write all our code to get the advantage of our logging. It would be nicer if we could simply reference the same function name when calling it. We remember that we can easily rebind symbols in Python using assignment. So we can rebind our decorated function to the same name, and leave our calls unchanged:

In [39]: def add(a, b):
   ....:     return a + b
In [40]: add = logged_func(add)
In [41]: add(3, 4)
Function 'add' called
    with args: (3, 4)
     Result --> 7
Out[41]: 7

Python Syntax

Rebinding the name of a function to the result of calling a decorator on that function is called decoration. This operation is so common, Python provides a special operator to do it declaratively: the @ operator:

# this is the imperative version:
def add(a, b):
    return a + b
add = logged_func(add)

# and this declarative form is exactly equal:
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

The declarative form (called a decorator expression) is far more common. However, both have the identical result, and can be used interchangeably.


Our original definition of a decorator was nice and simple, but a tiny bit incomplete. In reality, decorators can be used with anything that is callable. In python a callable is a function, a method of a class, or even a class that implements the __call__ special method.

So in fact the definition should be updated as follows:

“A decorator is a callable that takes a callable as an argument and returns a callable as a return value.”

Decorator Class

One use of a callable class as a decorator takes advantage of encapsulation. We can rely on an instance of the class keeping a “private” store of saved values. This allows us to memoize the results of some expensive function:

class Memoize:
    """Provide a decorator class that caches expensive function results

    from avinash.vora http://avinashv.net/2008/04/python-decorators-syntactic-sugar/
    def __init__(self, function):  # runs when memoize class is called
        self.function = function
        self.memoized = {}

    def __call__(self, *args):  # runs when memoize instance is called
        if args not in self.memoized:
            self.memoized = self.function(*args)
        return self.memoized[args]

Let’s try that out with a potentially expensive function:

In [56]: @Memoize
   ....: def sum2x(n):
   ....:     return sum(2 * i for i in range(n))

In [57]: sum2x(10000000)
Out[57]: 99999990000000

In [58]: sum2x(10000000)
Out[58]: 99999990000000

Nested Decorators

It’s nice to see that in action, but what if we want to know exactly how much difference it made? What if we want to calculate the timing of running the function repeatedly? How do we do that?

We can stack decorator expressions. The result is like calling each decorator in order, from bottom to top:

def func(x):

# is exactly equal to:
def func(x):
func = decorator_two(decorator_one(func))

Let’s define another decorator that will time how long a given call takes:

import time
def timed_func(func):
    def timed(*args, **kwargs):
        start = time.time()
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        elapsed = time.time() - start
        print(u"time expired: %s" % elapsed)
        return result
    return timed

And now we can use this new decorator stacked along with our memoizing decorator:

In [71]: @timed_func
   ....: @Memoize
   ....: def sum2x(n):
   ....:     return sum(2 * i for i in xrange(n))
In [72]: sum2x(10000000)
time expired: 0.997071027756
Out[72]: 99999990000000
In [73]: sum2x(10000000)
time expired: 4.05311584473e-06
Out[73]: 99999990000000

Wrap Up

In this lecture, we’ve learned about decorators. We reminded ourselves first about some basics of how functions work. We reviewed the idea of scope and saw how it allows us to refer to values from inside nested scopes. We reminded ourselves that functions are in fact first-class objects. This helped us to see that we can pass functions into other functions as arguments, return them as values, and even define them inline in other functions. We then noted that defining a function inline allowed us to create a closure that baked runtime values into our function definitions.

Putting this all together allows us to understand how a decorator works. We write a function that takes a function as an argument. We define a new function inline inside that function, using closure to bake our passed function into it. Then we return the newly defined function in place.

Because this approach is so useful, we learned that Python supports a declarative operator for it: @. And using that syntax we learned how to define both class-based and function based decorators that can memoize and time the operation of complex, expensive operations.