The HTTP Protocol

We’ve seen a number of network protocols so far. Each of them consisted of a set of allowed commands and possible responses, messages that are passed from client to server and then from server to client. In each protocol we’ve seen so far, these commands and responses have been delimited. And for each of the protocols we’ve seen so far, that delimiter has been consistent: <CRLF>

A further consistency is shared between these protocols. In each case we’ve seen so far, the client is responsible for initiating the interaction. The server is passive until it receives some sort of request.

HTTP Characteristics

HTTP is no different. It is also a message-centered protocol, supporting two-way communications between a client and a server. Messages sent from the client to the server are called requests. Messages sent from the server to the client are called responses.

An HTTP Interaction

In HTTP, both requests and responses share a common format. There is a required initial line which contains either a command or a response code. This is followed by one or more lines of headers (more on these below). After all the headers, a single blank line separates the headers from the optional body. As with our other protocols, the delimiter for lines is the <CRLF>.

Here are some examples:

HTTP Request (Ask for information):

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1<CRLF>

HTTP Response (Provide answers):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT<CRLF>
Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux)<CRLF>
Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT<CRLF>
Etag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b"<CRLF>
Accept-Ranges:  none<CRLF>
Content-Length: 438<CRLF>
Connection: close<CRLF>
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8<CRLF>
<438 bytes of content>

HTTP Requests

Let’s start our investigation by looking a bit more closely at the HTTP request. It has evolved across time from version 1.0 of the HTTP specification to the current version 1.1


In HTTP 1.0, the only required line in an HTTP request looks like this:

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.0<CRLF>

As the years passed, it grew more and more common to host more than one website (with different domain names) on a single machine. This led to virtual hosting, which imposed a new requirement. There had to be a way to tell a request for one website apart from one for another. Version 1.1 of the HTTP specification added a single required header, Host:

HTTP 1.1 added a required header Host, to support virtual hosting:

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1<CRLF>

Every HTTP request must begin with a single line, broken by whitespace into three parts. The three parts are called the method, the URI and the protocol. We’ll look at each in turn below.

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1

HTTP Methods

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1

Every HTTP request first line must start with a method. Although there are a total of eight possible HTTP methods, four are more commonly seen than others. And among these, just two are by far the most common.

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT

These four methods can be mapped to the four basic steps (CRUD) of persistent storage:

  • POST = Create
  • GET = Read
  • PUT = Update
  • DELETE = Delete

Safe <–> Unsafe

HTTP methods can be categorized as safe or unsafe, based on whether they might change persistent data on the server. The distinction is entirely normative, which means that it is more a suggestion than a rule. You, as an application developer are responsbile for ensuring that this holds true for your websites. And you should never assume that other websites follow this rule.

  • Safe HTTP Methods
    • GET
  • Unsafe HTTP Methods
    • POST
    • PUT
    • DELETE

Idempotent <–> Non-Idempotent

HTTP methods can be categorized as idempotent. This is based on whether a given request using the method will always have the same result. As with safe/unsafe, this distinction is normative. Things should work this way, but do not always. You should make sure that your sites do.

  • Idempotent HTTP Methods
    • GET
    • PUT
    • DELETE
  • Non-Idempotent HTTP Methods
    • POST

HTTP Requests: URI

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1

Every HTTP request must include a URI used to determine the resource to be returned. What is a URI? How does it relate to the more familiar term URL? This stack overflow question provides a solid explanation.

In static systems, the URI maps directly to a filesystem location on the server. In dynamic systems, it may still do so (PHP, CGI, the Aspen Python web framework). However, it’s more common that it is used to determine what program should be used to build a response.

Static or dynamic, we call whatever that end point might be a resource. A resource might refer to a file (.html, .jpg, .png, .css, .js), but it can also refer to dynamic scripts, raw data (csv, json, xml), or even api endpoints. In any server application, this job of connecting the URI requested to the appropriate end point is very important.

HTTP Requests: Protocol

GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1

The protocol specified by a request indicates which features a client is able to handle. Version 1.1 of the specification added a number of useful advanced features. In addition to virtual hosting, connections between clients and servers may be kept open across multiple request/response cycles.

It is quite rare now to see clients that only support version 1.0. A new version (HTTP/2.0) is now finalized, and some services and browsers support it. But it is still not widely seen and you can safely ignore it for the time being. It is very different from the current version.

HTTP Responses

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain
this is a pretty minimal response

In both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1, a proper response must contain an intial line. This is followed by optional headers. A single blank line finishes the header section and may be followed by an optional response body. As with requests, the initial line of the response is strictly formatted, divided by whitespace into a protocol and a response code.

HTTP Response Codes

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

All HTTP responses must include a response code indicating the outcome of the request. The code itself is a three-digit number. The explanation provides a clear-text, human readable description of the condition indicated.

There are five categories of response code. Each indicates a different basic condition. Individual codes within the categories provide more specific information.

  • 1xx (HTTP 1.1 only) - Informational message
  • 2xx - Success of some kind
  • 3xx - Redirection of some kind
  • 4xx - Client Error of some kind
  • 5xx - Server Error of some kind

Common Response Codes

There are certain HTTP response codes you are likely to see (and use) most often. However, you should not feel constrained to using only these. There are a lot of codes available, and using them well is communicative in the same way that using Python exceptions can be. For a list of available, official response codes, see RFC 2616 or this list of HTTP Status Codes.

  • 200 OK - Everything is good
  • 301 Moved Permanently - You should update your link
  • 304 Not Modified - You should load this from cache
  • 404 Not Found - You’ve asked for something that doesn’t exist
  • 500 Internal Server Error - Something bad happened

HTTP Headers

Headers allow clients and servers to exchange additional structured information. They come after the initial line of a request or response. Some headers may be used only for a request, some only for a response, and some are fine in either.

Headers always take the form of key/value pairs: <name>: <value>. Names are always fully left-justified. They must appear as the first characters on a line. They must also be followed by a colon.

Any number of spaces or tabs may separate the name from the value of a header. A header value can occupy multiple lines. If the first character on a line in the header section of a request or response starts with whitespace, then it is considered to be part of the value for the last named header.

The names of headers are not case-sensitive. However, the values may be, depending on the header.

It is well worth being familiar with the possible headers for HTTP. You can read more about them here

There are a couple of headers we’ll talk about immediately, because they are so common.


The first is the Content-Type header. It tells the receiver how to treat the data that is in the body of the request or response. The header uses the mime-type system (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions). The list below gives you an idea how files of different types map to particular mime-types. There are many mime-type identifiers and more are being registered all the time.

  • foo.jpeg - Content-Type: image/jpeg
  • foo.png - Content-Type: image/png
  • bar.txt - Content-Type: text/plain
  • baz.html - Content-Type: text/html

The Python standard library provides a module that helps in determining the mimetype of a given file. It’s called mimetypes (py3). Using this module, you can guess the mime-type of a file based on the filename. You can also map a particular file extension to a given mime-type.

In [1]: textfile = "/path/to/textfile.txt"
In [2]: import mimetypes
In [3]: mimetypes.guess_type(textfile)
Out[3]: ('text/plain', None)
In [4]: import os
In [5]: text_extension = os.path.splitext(textfile)
In [6]: text_extension
Out[6]: ('/path/to/textfile', '.txt')
In [7]: mimetypes.types_map[text_extension[1]]
Out[7]: 'text/plain'


Another common HTTP header is the Date header. It represents the date and time that a response was generated.

The value for this header must be expressed in GMT, not local time. It must be in a very specific format:

Fri, 12 Feb 2010 16:23:03 GMT

The Python standard library also provides a way of getting exactly this format. Since the format is almost exactly the same as that required for email headers, this method is found in a slightly unexpected module:

In [9]: import email.utils
In [10]: email.utils.formatdate(usegmt=True)
Out[10]: 'Mon, 07 Mar 2016 00:57:58 GMT'


A third common HTTP header is the Content-Length header. This header is used to inform the receiver of a request or response how many bytes data to expect in the body. Since HTTP does not specify a delimiter for a response body (unlike the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP protocols), this header is particularly important.

The value for the header should correspond to the number of bytes of data that will be returned (excluding headers).

For binary files like images calculating this value is quite straightforward:

In [1]: with open('Mars1.jpg', 'rb') as file_handle:
  ....:     mars_image =
In [2]: length = len(mars_image)
In [3]: length
Out[3]: 1161387

However, when text is involved it gets a bit more complicated. Best practice in Python is to keep text that you are working with as unicode objects:

In [4]: body = u'éclaire'
In [5]: len(body)
Out[5]: 7

Remember that a socket can only transmit bytes. It cannot handle decoded unicode objects. In Python you must be sure that the content of the response body you send has been encoded before it is handed off to the socket for transmission:

In [6]: as_bytes = body.encode('utf-8')
In [7]: len(as_bytes)
Out[7]: 8

Notice that the length of the encoded byte string is longer than the decoded unicode string. This is because the encoded form of the é character is actually two bytes in length.

If the content you send over HTTP is text, the receiver should be able to decode it properly. To do so, they must know what codec was used to encode it to bytes. It is best practice to include information about what codec was used in a header.

It’s tempting to think of the Content-Encoding header as the proper place to send this data. In fact that header is used to inform the client of compressed data (.zip or similar). Instead, the correct way to inform the client of the encoding used is to append a charset <name> value to the Content-Type header:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Wrap Up

We’ve learned about the HTTP protocol in this lesson. We learned that there are Requests and Responses. That each has a specific format. That the header section of each will be separated from the body section by a blank line. That the first line of each may be parsed to find out methods, uris, status codes and protocol versions. We’ve also learned that headers are used to pass structured data. And we’ve learned about a number of common headers.

For your assignments, you’ll be using this knowledge to build a rudimentary HTTP server.