Implement a Trie in Python


Create a new branch in your data structures repository called trie. You will use this branch to do your work for this assignment. Add a new file to your data structures repository. Call it In this file, implement a Trie as a Python class (or classes). Your Trie should have the following methods:

  • insert(self, string): will insert the input string into the trie. If character in the input string is already present, it will be ignored.
  • contains(self, string): will return True if the string is in the trie, False if not.
  • size(self): will return the total number of words contained within the trie. 0 if empty.
  • remove(self, string): will remove the given string from the trie. If the word doesn’t exist, will raise an appropriate exception.

Your Trie implementation must include tests. The tests, as usual for our data structures, must run both in Python 2.7 and Python 3.6. Ensure that your tests are properly connected to Travis CI and that you have a Travis badge displayed on your

Coming up with words for testing your Trie tree can become tedious. It may help to use the same word dictioanry as you used in the hash table, located on most Unix-style machines at /usr/share/dict/words. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU DO NOT INCLUDE THIS IN YOUR REPOSITORY!!!

Expand your to include notes about the trie you’ve constructed. Include any sources or collaborations.

Each method you are required to implement must also include the time complexity in Big O notation in your README.

Submitting Your Work

When you’ve completed your work and all your tests are passing, submit a pull request from the trie branch back to master. Copy the URL for that pull request and submit it using the URL input. When that is done, you may merge your branch back to master.

As usual, use the comment function to submit questions, comments and reflections on the work you’ve done here.