Group Project: Personal Retrospective

You have now completed your group project. It is time to reflect on what you’ve done.


In Canvas, use the text submission box for this assignment to write on the following topics.

  1. Describe your overall satisfaction level with your project results. What went well and what did not? How would you compare the outcome with your vision for the project?
  2. Briefly describe your group dynamic for the week. Were there any problems that proved insoluble? Are there any team members you would call out for particular kudos?
  3. Describe at least one difficulty you faced during project week and how you dealt with it. This difficulty could be technical in nature, or interpersonal.
  4. Describe at least one suprising success or failure you experienced during the week.
  5. If any, describe changes you would make to the project week process that would improve it for future cohorts.

If there is anything else you wish us to know when assessing your contribution to the group project, please include it. Only members of the teaching team will read these submissions, so you may be candid.

Submitting Your Work

Submitting this assignment counts for 50% of your final group project score. Do not fail to turn this in.

Your perosnal score will be calculated using these responses in combination with an assessment of your contributions to the project code base.