Group Project: Prioritize User Stories

It is now time to begin preparations for your Group Project. The next step for group projects is to prioritize your user stories.


Schedule a 1-hour meeting for your entire project team. During this meeting you will set your priorities for developing your project code. Place stories that are critical to delivering a minimally viable product at the top of the list. (Stories related to deployment strategy should be here).

Remember, what you think you can accomplish in 4 days is usually more than what you can actually accomplish. Consider intermediate goals when prioritizing your user stories. Make sure that from the beginning you have reasonable stopping points where you can show your application to good effect. Also make sure to include a stretch goal or two, in case you get farther than you thought you might.

Submitting Your Work

Provide an ordered list of your user stories, either online or in the submission textarea. Add a paragraph or two describing the potential stopping places you see in your application.

Each team member must provide this submission.