Implement the Decision Tree Classifier


Create a new branch in your data structures repository called decision-tree. You’ll use this branch to do your work for this assignment. Add a new file to your data-structures repository called In this file, implement a Decision Tree Classifier object. Your classifier should have the following public methods:

  •, data): construct a decision tree based on some incoming data set; returns nothing
  • clf.predict(self, data): returns labels for your test data.

This should be able to take in an iterable of data records (either a tuple of records, or a list of records, or Pandas DataFrame).

The tree should take two optional parameters: max_depth and min_leaf_size.

  • max_depth will limit the maximum number of steps your tree can take down any decision chain.

If not specified, it’ll walk down the chain until a region of parameter space has 100% of one type of class OR only 1 data point. * min_leaf_size will limit the minimum number of data points that may exist within a region before ending a decision chain. If not specified, it’ll also walk down the chain until a region of parameter space has 100% of one type of class OR only 1 data point.

Your implementation should only work on two characteristics total. Keep the scope narrow. To decide which characteristics to use, try visualizing your data and figuring out where the best separation between classes lies.

Your implementation must include tests. The tests must run in both Python 2 and Python 3. Ensure that your tests are properly connected to Travis CI and that you have a Travis badge displayed on your Expand your to include notes about your classifier. Include any external sources used in its creation.

Click here for a data file of classified flowers which you may use to test your tree. You can either use the column named “target” or “class_name” as your class label. They each map directly to each other.

Include the time complexities for this classification algorithm’s fit and predict methods in your README.

Stretch Goal

Enable your classifier to use as many characteristics as you provide. For example, if your input data from flowers_data.csv looks like (petal_length, petal_width, sepal_length, sepal_width), your tree should be able to split along any one of those characteristics.

Submitting Your Work

When you’ve completed your work and all your tests are passing, submit a pull request from the decision-tree branch back to master. Copy the URL for that pull request and submit it using the URL input on Canvas. Once submitted you may merge your branch back to master.

Use the comment function to submit quests, comments, and reflections on the work you’ve done.