Python Practice: The Forbes Top 40


Download this JSON file containing the top 40 billionaires in the world. Each has a name, age, rank, net worth, industry that made them rich, and their country. For the curious, the data was compiled from

Write a function that,

  • returns the name, net worth, and industry of the oldest billionaire under 80 years old AND the youngest billionaire with a valid age.
  • Oldest under 80, not including 80.
  • You may not use a sorting function.
  • You may not use any external library (you don’t need it).

Stretch Goals

Write another function that takes the company owned by the oldest under 80 and youngest billionaire and scrapes the web for its current stock price. If the company is not public, have an appropriate message. If the company is not an actual company, have an appropriate message.

Submitting Your Work

Create a forbes branch in your code-katas repository. Add this/these function(s) in a script to your forbes branch.

The tests that demonstrate your code works should be in a file. Add documentation about your code in the repo’s Make sure to add notes about and resources or collaborators you worked with in solving this problem.

After you’ve added your code solution into GitHub, send a pull request to your master branch. Submit the link to that pull request to Canvas.

Use the comment box in Canvas to add any questions, comments or reflections on this assignment and your approach to it.