Today I learned...

One of the most effective tools in adult learning is reflection. By writing coherent summaries of some lesson learned, we cement that learning and deepen our understanding of a subject.


Each day, write an entry in your learning journal about some lesson you learned that day. Your entry may contain code examples, links to additional resources you found, or anything else you feel is relevant. Mostly though, I want to hear about you and your journey through this class day-to-day.

I have found a correlation between students who write consistently in their journals, and students who succeed in class. Take this assignment seriously. Cumulatively, they also happen to be worth as much as 5 full coding assignments.

Early in class, you will make these entries in the class learning journal. Once you have created and deployed your own learning journal, you will put your entries there.

Submitting Your Work

Please paste a link to this entry online where it can be read.

This assignment is due before 9 am on the day after it is assigned. Late entries will not be accepted.