Break This Function

In class we covered, briefly, Python Exceptions (py3). We spoke specifically about a few exception types that you are likely to see most often:

  • NameError
  • TypeError
  • AttributeError
  • SyntaxError


Create a python module called In this file create three functions:

  • name_error(): when called, this function will cause a NameError
  • type_error(): when called, this function will cause a TypeError
  • attribute_error(): when called, this function will cause an AttributeError

Then add a few other simple functions. Write these such that when one is called, the result will be that an exception is raised. However, the exception should occur at a stack depth of 4 frames (so when code is run, the Traceback should go through 4 levels).

Finally, write a function that would cause a SyntaxError. Your editor, if it is properly configured, should show an indication of this problem. Take a screen shot showing that your editor does show the problem. Once you have taken this screenshot, you should remove this function from your file so that it will run.

Submitting Your Work

Upload two files to Canvas: your file, and the screenshot you took of your editor.