Technical Blog Post: Generate IdeasΒΆ

If you don’t already have a blog where you can write on technical topics, set one up and connect it to a domain name you own. It’s entirely possible your learning journal could be such a blog, assuming you are okay with people seeing it.

If not, an easy path to setting up a blog is to sign up with tumblr and then set up a custom domain name. Another popular (and perhaps more Pythonic) approach is to use Pelican in combination with github pages. The possibilities are nearly endless.

Write titles and at least three paragraph headers/bullet points for 3 to 5 possible blog post ideas. These ideas don’t necessarily have to be about Python, but they must be focused on tech. Start thinking about which one you like best. Some examples include (but are in no way limited to):

  • Python modules
  • Coding concepts (databases, security, algorithmic time complexity, static vs dynamic typing, Software as a Service, etc.)
  • Best practices/antipatterns
  • Professional development
  • A cool thing you built/are building with programming (outside of this class)

Copy/paste your rough outlines in as text OR submit a link to the outlines (in workflowy, a gist or google docs). Do one or the other, not both.

For the peer review portion of the assignment, give some feedback on the topic selections and the headers. How can the titles be more interesting to you?