Get an Amazon AWS Account

You’ve deployed one application to Heroku. Now we’ll learn another deployment stack: Amazon Web Services.


Please sign up for an account.

Once you’ve signed up for an account take the following actions:

  • Create an IAM user and place them in a group with Power User access.

    • Set up Security Credentials for that IAM user.
    • Save these Security Credentials in a safe place so you can use them for class.
  • Create an EC2 Keypair

    • Choose the ‘US West (Oregon)’ region since it’s geographically closest to you.

    • When you download your private key, save it to ~/.ssh/pk-aws.pem

    • Make sure that the private key is secure and useable by doing the following command:

      $ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/pk-aws.pem
  • Create a custom security group

    • The security group should be named ssh-access

    • Add one custom TCP rule:

      allow port 22
      allow addresses

Be sure to complete these actions before class, as you will need them.

Submitting Your Work

To submit, tell me you’re done.


If you use an email address other than the one on your profile here in Canvas, or if you are already signed up for AWS under a different email address please submit that email address.