Django Relationships

In this lecture we’ll learn a bit about the Django database ORM, how we interact with it, and how it allows us to deal with relationships between objects.


We’ll start Django today using the shell management command:

$ python shell

What this means we can import any of the apps we have set up as being installed in our project.

# Application definition


This means in our Django shell we can import our profile model and the Django User model to play with them:

In [1]: from patron_profile.models import PatronProfile
In [2]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User

How do we query to see if we have any users in our DB? Remember, Django prefers to use the model Class object as the source for database interactions. Any model we create (or that is provided for us by Django) will have an objects attribute. That attribute is provided for us for free by Django. The value of the attribute is an instance of the ModelManager class from django.db.models.

So to get all of the User instances stored in our database we start with the User class object. We use the model manager objects and call the query api method all() on that: User.objects.all().

In [3]: User.objects.all()
Out[3]: []

We don’t have any users. Let’s make one:

In [4]: bob = User(username='bob', email='', password='secret')

In [5]: bob
Out[5]: <User: bob>

In [6]: bob.username
Out[6]: 'bob'

In [7]: bob.password
Out[7]: 'secret'

What’s wrong with this? Our password is stored in cleartext. When you set a password directly on Django’s user object, it will store it in cleartext. Instead you should use .set_password():

In [8]: bob.set_password('secret')

In [9]: bob.password
Out[9]: u'pbkdf2_sha256$20000$kVSkzjpfrnQa$TUudARpt5n+DRUO8c+rNKNm+Br2VwYoQL5QvgiD6qkA='

Now we have a hashed password. This is still a terrible password, but at least it’s not stored in cleartext. This will be important when you run tests, because Django’s authentication systems will be looking for a hashed password.

Bob still doesn’t have an id, because we never saved bob:

In [10]:

In [11]:

In [12]:
Out[12]: 1

Relating Users to Profiles

Let’s check our PatronProfile objects:

In [13]: PatronProfile.objects.all()
Out[13]: [<PatronProfile: bob>]

Bob has an PatronProfile already. We talked before about how to hook up a connection that saves an PatronProfile for a user automatically if it doesn’t already exist.

If we want to get the user bob’s profile we can do this:

In [14]: PatronProfile.objects.get(user=bob)
Out[14]: <PatronProfile: bob>

Notice we’re not passing an id here. What is bob? It’s a User object. We are asking our PatronProfile to give us the profile object who’s user is this user object.

Look at our PatronProfile definition:


class PatronProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(

PatronProfile has a user attribute that is a OneToOneField that goes to User objects. That means we can use User objects directly as query values, and we can get back the profile we want. When working with an ORM, you should try always to think in terms of Python objects. Allow the ORM to handle figuring out how to get from the object to the ID that is actually stored in the database. That is its job.

In [15]: bobs_profile = _

In [16]: bobs_profile
Out[16]: <PatronProfile: bob>

In [17]: bobs_profile.user == bob
Out[17]: True

In [18]: bobs_profile.user
Out[18]: <User: bob>

In [19]: bob
Out[19]: <User: bob>

These are all equivalent.

Relationships and Back References

Let’s look at our model again. If you look above to our PatronProfile definition, you will see related_name="profile". When we use related_name, that means the User model at the opposite end of that relationship will have an attribute added to it that points back to this object. That means we should be able to ask bob for his profile, and get back an PatronProfile object that corresponds to this user.

In [20]: bob.profile
Out[20]: <PatronProfile: bob>

This is the Django way. All of our relationship fields will have this same kind of built in connection.

Let’s say you don’t want this to exist. Let’s remove it from our PatronProfile:


class PatronProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(

Now, restart our Django shell:

In [1]: from patron_profile.models import PatronProfile

In [2]: profiles = PatronProfile.objects.all()

In [3]: profiles
Out[3]: [<PatronProfile: bob>]

In [4]: bobs_profile = profiles[0]

In [5]: bobs_profile
Out[5]: <PatronProfile: bob>

Bob’s profile has a user attribute:

In [6]: bob = bobs_profile.user

In [7]: bob
Out[7]: <User: bob>

Before we had a related_name attribute. Now?

In [8]: bob.profile
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-ea648d991c5e> in <module>()
----> 1 bob.profile

AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute 'profile'

We didn’t change anything in the database. That profile attribute we saw on bob before was created in Python at runtime. All of these reverse relationships are done by Django in the ORM.

Although we’ve not told our application that we want a related_name, it still makes one for us by default:

In [9]: dir(bob)


Notice the patronprofile attribute. Django defaults to taking the name of the model, making it lowercase, and using it as the related_name.

In [10]: bob.patronprofile
Out[10]: <PatronProfile: bob>

Magic! What if we really don’t want that?


class PatronProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(

You can set the related_name attribute to "+". Let’s check if that worked:

In [1]: from patron_profile.models import PatronProfile
In [2]: profiles = PatronProfile.objects.all()

In [3]: bobs_profile = profiles[0]

In [4]: bobs_profile
Out[4]: <PatronProfile: bob>

In [5]: bob = bobs_profile.user

In [6]: dir(bob)

There’s no PatronProfile attribute now. Why is the symbol for suppressing the related_name "+"? That’s what the folks who built Django chose.

The OneToOneField field is a useful, but slightly strange relationship. It knows ahead of time that there will only ever be one object on either end. On the other hand, it’s possible for us to create a situation where we don’t have that other object:

In [7]: sallys_profile = PatronProfile()

In [8]: sallys_profile.user
RelatedObjectDoesNotExist                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-cdfd1c2ae232> in <module>()
----> 1 sallys_profile.user

/.../lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/related.pyc in __get__(self, instance, instance_type)
    614         if rel_obj is None and not self.field.null:
    615             raise self.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist(
--> 616                 "%s has no %s." % (self.field.model.__name__,
    617             )
    618         else:

RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: PatronProfile has no user.

We get this RelatedObjectDoesNotExist error. You can’t actually import this exception from anywhere. It doesn’t exist in code. It’s a dynamically created subclass of another exception type. Django builds it and uses it to flag a particular kine of failure.

Although you can’t import (and thus can’t catch) that specific exception type, there is a way to deal with it. The User class (and in fact any Django Model subclass) has an attribute called DoesNotExist:

In [10]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User

In [11]: User.DoesNotExist
Out[11]: django.contrib.auth.models.DoesNotExist

As it turns out, that exception class is a parent class of this RelatedObjectDoesNotExist thing that gets raised. We can catch that exception:

In [12]: try:
  ....:     sallys_profile.user
  ....: except User.DoesNotExist:
  ....:     print "phooey, no user"
phooey, no user

We can catch that exception.

Relationships and Managers

The user attribute we have for our Django model is a OneToOneField. I say it’s a bit odd when it comes to relationship fields because it points directly at the other model. When you ask for that attribute, you either get that other instance, or you get this DoesNotExist error. For all the other relationships, the field attribute on our model is actually a special type of model manager, a relationship manager.

If, for example, we wanted to add a new friends attribute to our PatronProfile (and return our related_name to the previous state):


class PatronProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(
    friends = models.ManyToManyField(User, related_name="friends")

We’ve added a new field to our model. We need to makemigrations and migrate these changes to our DB:

$ python makemigrations patron_profile
Migrations for 'patron_profile':
    - Add field friends to PatronProfile
    - Alter field user on PatronProfile

$ python migrate
Operations to perform:
  Synchronize unmigrated apps: staticfiles, gis, messages
  Apply all migrations: lender_books, sessions, admin, patron_profile, auth, contenttypes
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
  Creating tables...
    Running deferred SQL...
  Installing custom SQL...
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Applying patron_profile.0003_auto_20160116_0051... OK

Back in our shell, let’s create a few more users:

In [2]: for username in ['sally', 'tom', 'harry', 'jane']:
    user = User(username=username, email='{}'.format(username))

In [5]: User.objects.all()
Out[5]: [<User: bob>, <User: sally>, <User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

In [17]: profiles = [p.profile for p in User.objects.all()]

In [18]: profiles
[<PatronProfile: bob>,
 <PatronProfile: sally>,
 <PatronProfile: tom>,
 <PatronProfile: harry>,
 <PatronProfile: jane>]

Now we have a list of profiles that have friends:

In [19]: bobs_profile = profiles[0]

In [20]: bobs_profile
Out[20]: <PatronProfile: bob>

In [21]: bobs_profile.friends
Out[21]: <django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.create_forward_many_to_many_manager.<locals>.ManyRelatedManager at 0x1027a0908>

What is the object returned here? It’s a ManyRelatedManager instance. Where does this thing come from? We can use the method resolution order of its class to find out:

In [21]: bobs_profile.friends.__class__.__mro__

Interesting. It actually inherits from the UserManager. We’ve seen one of those before, haven’t we?

In [22]: User.objects
Out[22]: <django.contrib.auth.models.UserManager at 0x105f63650>

This is a UserManager. So our manager object has the same methods that our UserManager has. For example, .all()

In [23]: bobs_profile.friends.all()
Out[23]: []

Let’s take a slice of our users:

In [24]: users = User.objects.all()

In [25]: users
Out[25]: [<User: bob>, <User: sally>, <User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

In [27]: users[2:5]
Out[27]: [<User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

And add that slice as friends of bob:

In [28]: bobs_profile.friends.add(*users[2:5])

In [29]: bobs_profile.friends.all()
Out[29]: [<User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

Notice one thing. Let’s restart our Django shell:

In [1]: from django.contrib.auth.models import User

In [2]: users = User.objects.all()

In [3]: users
Out[3]: [<User: bob>, <User: sally>, <User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

In [4]: bob = users[0]

In [5]: bobs_profile = bob.profile

In [6]: bobs_profile
Out[6]: <PatronProfile: bob>

In [7]: bobs_profile.friends.all()

What will this bobs_profile friends list contain now?

Out[7]: [<User: tom>, <User: harry>, <User: jane>]

There’s an implication here. Saving happens automatically. What this means is that the save() method is not called. Any customizations you might make to the save() method of these models will be skipped entirely. Signal handlers that are wired to listen for save() signals don’t happen. You need to be aware of this.


We have relationship fields. The majority of relationship fields work in a way that the attribute on the object that represents that relationship field is actually a model manager. That manager will hand you back things related to the object you are using. It’s like a pre-filtered selection of objects from the other end of the relationship. It will only ever speak to objects that happen to be related to the object you are looking at now.

The one exception is our OneToOneField. It operates by handing back the one object, or raising a particular kind of error (DoesNotExist).