Django Imager: Create Views to Add Models

In this series of assignments you will build a simple image management website using Django. In this fifth step, you will provide users with a way to add resources from the front-end of the application. That way, you need not grant them access to the Django admin.


Do your work for this assignment on a branch called front-end-3. Be sure that the branch contains your work for the previous parts of this work.

_*BEFORE YOU START ANY OF THE NEW VIEWS BELOW*_, convert your existing views to be class-based views. Instead of going generic and using the TemplateView, choose the right CBV for the right view.


Construct views that allow creating album and photo instances. From the library page you created previously, add a prominent button that allows a user to reach each of these pages. The page should show a form with the needed fields to create a new album or image. The album form need not offer the ability to upload photos.

When the form is submitted, the user should be returned to the library page where they can see the newly created object.

The URLs for these pages should be

  • /images/albums/add/
  • /images/photos/add/


You must implement tests to ensure your views are functioning properly. As an example, a user should not be able to create a photo or album with any required field missing.

Submitting Your Work

When you are done working and all your tests are passing, create a Pull Request from the front-end-3 branch to master. Submit the URL for that pull request.

When you are done, you can merge the pull request in preparation for the next stage of your work.