Create a Reading Notes Repo

If you don’t already have one, create a reading-notes repository on GitHub, where you can keep track of your observations and questions from the reading assignments throughout your course.

Think of it as a way to document and highlight your new knowledge. Publish it with GitHub pages, so it becomes a live web site.

Setup and Documentation

Use these resources to get going:


  1. If you have previously created this repo for another class, double-check to ensure it follows all guidelines here.
  2. Open the “Wiki” tab in the menu bar.
  3. Click the “Create the first page” button.
  4. Click the “Save Page” to create the page.
  5. Confirm that you see the “Add Page” button on the right side of the screen. You’ll be using that to create new pages for your summaries of each reading assignment as you progress through the course.

Submission Instructions

Submit the link to your reading notes repo, even if you have already done so for a previous class. Your grader will verify it is set up correctly for this course.