Course Syllabus: Career Coaching

Course Information

Course Number: CCW-401

Course Prerequisites

Students with previous relevant or equivalent experience can test out of this requirement in their application.

Course Description

Career Coaching 401 is designed to prep you mentally, emotionally, and physically for the demands of the job search. In this course, you will fine tune your resume, personal pitch, begin documenting your job search, practice for technical and behavioral interviews, and master the art of negotiation.

Course Materials

Program Learning Outcomes

Develops self awareness and presentational skills that will provide the foundations for professional interactions.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of this course, a student should be able to:

Describe and Define


Course Schedule

Each assignment is designed to help you with your job placement after graduating with the understanding that developing and iterating on your story, materials and strategy takes time.

Prep Work

  1. Focus: Professional etiquette, materials, and pitch
    1. Status Report
    2. Professional Etiquette & Analysis

In-class Assignments

  1. Module 1 focus: Résumé Readiness
    1. Accountability Partners
    2. Planning Your Networking
    3. Partner Power Hour
  2. Module 2 focus: Professional Pitch
    1. Networking Appointments
    2. Stage Fright!
    3. Understanding Your Why
    4. Partner Power Hour
  3. Module 3 focus: Targeted Job Search
    1. Negotiating Offers
    2. Partner Power Hour
  4. Module 6 focus: Behavioral Interviews
    1. STAR Methodology
    2. Behavioral Questions
    3. Interview Techniques
    4. Partner Power Hour
  5. Module 7 focus: Technical Interviews
    1. Partner Power Hour
  6. Module 8 focus: Presentations
    1. Presentation Day
    2. Partner Power Hour
  7. Module 9 focus: Get Hired!
    1. Activate Your Network
    2. Routine and Motivation
    3. Career Accelerator Program
    4. Partner Power Hour report
  8. Module 10 focus: Project week & Professional Materials
    1. Finalize your Résumé
    2. Schedule Your Qualifying Interview