Behavioral Interview Questions

Read through this document on the S.T.A.R method, which is the style potential employers prefer and expect you to answer questions during a behavioral interview.


Ask a chatbot of your choice to ask you 3 behavioral interview questions, one at a time. Answer the provided questions in the S.T.A.R method and ask the chatbot to provide you feedback.

Your prompt to the chatbot could look something like this:

Please provide me a behavioral interview question that I can answer using the STAR method. Please provide me with feedback on my response to your question.

Make sure to prompt the chatbot for a new question when you are ready for another. Be sure to incorporate the tips received into your subsequent answers.

Make a copy of this template and record the behavioral questions provided by the chatbot and along with your answers using the S.T.A.R method.

Have your two accountability partners also review your answers. After you make your edits based on feedback from the chatbot and your partners, share your written answers by copying them out of your document and pasting them in the class discussion.

Allocate 30 minutes to this assignment.

TA’s will be grading you on your ability to follow the S.T.A.R. format.