Chocolate Pizza CSS

If you are coming from a Code 201 class that ended within 2 weeks of the start of your Code 301 class, submit the work you did there.

If you completed Code 201 more than 2 weeks prior to the start of Code 301, please complete this assignment as a way to keep your HTML/CSS skills sharp.

If you are testing in to Code 301, you should know that students in Code 201 complete a time-boxed “design comp” assignment, called “Chocolate Pizza”. This is your opportunity to take on that challenge:


  1. Create and clone a new GitHub repository to house the code for this project.
  2. Immediately check out a new branch in which to do your work.
  3. Download and unzip these assets into an assets directory in your project.
  4. Write your code in two files: index.html and style.css. You do not need to include JavaScript.
  5. Use the included PREVIEW.png image as a reference; your goal is to match it as closely as possible.
  6. Make regular Git commits with appropriately descriptive commit messages while you are working.
  7. When finished, be sure to push your final code to GitHub and merge your branch into main.
  8. Deploy your page on GitHub Pages via the options in the repository “Settings” tab.
  9. Submit the links to your repository AND your deployed page in the corresponding Canvas assignment.