Code Challenge: Review


The code challenges for this class are a combination of all of the methods and skills you have worked on with previous code challenges. Refer back to the other videos and demos as needed.


  1. Navigate to the javascript folder within your data-structures-and-algorithms repository.
  2. Create a new branch for this challenge called review
    • git checkout -b review
  3. Retrieve the code challenge from the system
    • npm run get-challenge 15
  4. In your terminal, from the javascript folder, run npm test 15 to execute the tests in this file for this challenge.
    • At this point you will see the failed tests scroll through your terminal window with a brief report of the number of failed tests at the bottom.
    • If you do not see this, verify your installation of Jest by typing npx jest --version in your terminal. Filename typos can make things break!
  5. Write code to make the tests pass, one at a time. Let the error messages guide you.
  6. Once the test is passing, refactor as needed, then move on to the next challenge.

Note, you can also run npm test (without a challenge number) to run all of the tests for every code challenge file assignment during the course all at once. This can get “noisy”, but it’s an opportunity to get a view of your overall progress


When you have completed the entire set of code challenges and all tests pass, create a pull request from your current branch to the main branch and merge it into main.

You will be able to see a test coverage report in GitHub on the Actions tab of your data-structures-and-algorithms repository. It should match what you saw on your terminal in the above steps. Your graders will be looking at this as well.

Submit a link to your pull request.