Regular expressions (or “Regex” … said “Rej-Ex”) are a means of identifying patterns in strings. We commonly use them to validate input, replace character patterns with other characters or refer to character patterns in a string.
Mechanically, a regex is composed of a “Pattern To Match” between 2 delimiters (usually a /
), followed by some optional instructions, known as “quantifiers”. Quantifiers are single letter instructions:
For our examples, lets use the following string:
The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain
Does this string contain the letter “T”?
Does this string contain any capital letters?
Lowercase letters?
to group things togetherDoes the string contain any words with “ain” in them?
= White space\b
= Word Boundary\w
= All word characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9)^
= Beginning of the string$
= End of the string.
= Any Character*
= Greedy (keep going!)/s.?([A-Za-z]in)\s+/g
a lowercase s, followed by any letters, followed by “in” followed by a space … in other words “spain”, but not “rain”
let str = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain";
// Are there any words ending with some letter before "in"
let regex = /([A-Za-z]in)\b/g;
regex.test(str); // true
let str = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain";
// The first letter in every word
let regex = /(\b\w)/g;
str.match(regex); // T,r,i,S,f,m,i,t,p
let str = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain";
// The first letter in every word
let regex = /(\b\w)/g;
str.replace(regex,'-'); // -he -ain -n -pain -alls -ainly -n -he -lain"
// Camel Case a String ...
let str = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain";
let regex = /\b(\w)/g;
let newString = str.replace(regex, (rawMatch, matchedThing , idx) => {
return idx === 0 ? matchedThing.toLowerCase() : matchedThing.toUpperCase();
}).replace(/\W/g, '')
console.log(newString); // theRainInSpainFallsMainlyInThePlain