Code Challenge: Value vs. Reference


Read this overview.


Watch the video for this class from the demo playlist.


  1. Navigate to the javascript folder within your data-structures-and-algorithms repository.
  2. Create a new branch for this challenge called value-vs-reference
    • git checkout -b value-vs-reference
  3. Retrieve the code challenge from the system
    • npm run get-challenge 09
  4. In your terminal, from the javascript folder, run npm test 09 to execute the tests in this file for this challenge.
    • At this point you will see the failed tests scroll through your terminal window with a brief report of the number of failed tests at the bottom.
    • If you do not see this, verify your installation of Jest by typing npx jest --version in your terminal. Filename typos can make things break!
  5. You’ll see a series of challenges in the challenges-09.test.js file each of which has an associated test at the bottom of the file.
    • HINT #1: Refer to the tests to see how the code you’ll need to write will be used.
    • *HINT #2: Changing describe to xdescribe on any test will cause the test runner to skip that test. This may help you to keep focused on one test at a time.
  6. Beginning with Challenge 1, write code necessary to make the test pass. Let the error messages guide you.
  7. Once the test is passing:
    • Refactor as needed.
    • Perform a git add and a git commit to mark your work on that challenge.
    • … Then, move on to the next challenge and repeat.

Note, you can also run npm test (without a challenge number) to run all of the tests for every code challenge file assignment during the course all at once. This can get “noisy”, but it’s an opportunity to get a view of your overall progress


When you have completed your code challenges (tests are passing) and/or are at the alotted time:

You will be able to see a test coverage report in GitHub on the Actions tab of your data-structures-and-algorithms repository. It should match what you saw on your terminal in the above steps. Your graders will be looking at this as well.