Handling Merge Conflicts


Step by Step Solution

  1. Navigate to the root of your project in your shell (the command line).
  1. Make sure you are on the correct branch.
  1. Make sure you have notthing to commit. If you have un-commited changes, commit them.
  1. Update local copy of origin repository
  1. Merge local copy of origin/main into your local branch called branch_name.
  1. Open each file with conflicts in your text editor.
  2. Find the conflicting changes.
  1. Merge the changes together, so the code has exactly what you want it to have.

<<<<<<<<<<< HEAD
   this is where the conflicting code from your branch is

   this is where the conflicting code from the main branch is
 >>>>>>>>>>> main

  1. Add your changes and commit.
  1. Push to your branch_name on origin.
  1. Your Pull Request should be able to merge!