Session Five: Arguments, Comprehensions, Lambdas and Functional Programming


  • Dictionaries
  • Exceptions
  • Files, etc.

Homework Review

Homework Questions?

Solutions to the dict/set lab, and some others in the class repo in: Solutions

A few tidbits:

The dict isn’t sorted, so what if you want to do something in a sorted way?

The “old” way:

keys = d.keys()
for key in keys:


Advanced Argument Passing

Keyword arguments

When defining a function, you can specify only what you need – in any order

In [150]: from __future__ import print_function
In [151]: def fun(x, y=0, z=0):
   .....:     print(x, y, z, end=" ")
In [152]: fun(1, 2, 3)
1 2 3
In [153]: fun(1, z=3)
1 0 3
In [154]: fun(1, z=3, y=2)
1 2 3

A Common Idiom:

def fun(x, y=None):
    if y is None:

Can set defaults to variables

In [156]: y = 4
In [157]: def fun(x=y):
    print(u"x is: %s" % x)
In [158]: fun()
x is: 4

Defaults are evaluated when the function is defined

In [156]: y = 4
In [157]: def fun(x=y):
    print(u"x is: %s" % x)
In [158]: fun()
x is: 4
In [159]: y = 6
In [160]: fun()
x is: 4

Function arguments in variables

function arguments are really just:

  • a tuple (positional arguments)
  • a dict (keyword arguments)
In [1]: def f(x, y, w=0, h=0):
   ...:     msg = u"position: %s, %s -- shape: %s, %s"
   ...:     print(msg % (x, y, w, h))
In [2]: position = (3, 4)
In [3]: size = {'h': 10, 'w': 20}
In [4]: f(*position, **size)
position: 3, 4 -- shape: 20, 10

Function parameters in variables

You can also pull the parameters out in the function as a tuple and a dict:

In [10]: def f(*args, **kwargs):
   ....:     print(u"the positional arguments are: %s" % unicode(args))
   ....:     print(u"the optional arguments are: %s" % unicode(kwargs))
In [11]: f(2, 3, this=5, that=7)
the positional arguments are: (2, 3)
the optional arguments are: {'this': 5, 'that': 7}

Passing a dict to the string.format() method

Now that you know that keyword args are really a dict, you can do this nifty trick:

The format method takes keyword arguments:

In [24]: u"My name is {first} {last}".format(last=u"Ewing", first=u"Cris")
Out[24]: u'My name is Cris Ewing'

Build a dict of the keys and values:

In [25]: d = {u"last": u"Ewing", u"first": u"Cris"}

And pass to format()``with ``**

In [26]: u"My name is {first} {last}".format(**d)
Out[26]: u'My name is Cris Ewing'


Let’s do this right now:

keyword arguments

  • Write a function that has four optional parameters (with defaults):
    • foreground_color
    • background_color
    • link_color
    • visited_link_color
  • Have it print the colors (use strings for the colors)
  • Call it with a couple different parameters set
  • Have it pull the parameters out with *args, **kwargs

A bit more on mutability (and copies)

We’ve talked about this: mutable objects can have their contents changed in place.

Immutable objects can not.

This has implications when you have a container with mutable objects in it:

In [28]: list1 = [ [1,2,3], ['a','b'] ]

one way to make a copy of a list:

In [29]: list2 = list1[:]
In [30]: list2 is list1
Out[30]: False

they are different lists.

mutable objects

What if we set an element to a new value?

In [31]: list1[0] = [5,6,7]

In [32]: list1
Out[32]: [[5, 6, 7], ['a', 'b']]

In [33]: list2
Out[33]: [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b']]

So they are independent.

But what if we mutate an element?

In [34]: list1[1].append('c')

In [35]: list1
Out[35]: [[5, 6, 7], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

In [36]: list2
Out[36]: [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

uh oh! mutating an element in one list mutated the one in the other list.

Why is that?

In [38]: list1[1] is list2[1]
Out[38]: True

The elements are the same object!

This is known as a “shallow” copy – Python doesn’t want to copy more than it needs to, so in this case, it makes a new list, but does not make copies of the contents.

Same for dicts (and any container type)

If the elements are immutable, it doesn’t really make a differnce – but be very careful with mutable elements.

The copy module

most objects have a way to make copies (dict.copy() for instance).

but if not, you can use the copy module to make a copy:

In [39]: import copy

In [40]: list3 = copy.copy(list2)

In [41]: list3
Out[41]: [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

This is also a shallow copy.

But there is another option:

In [3]: list1
Out[3]: [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

In [4]: list2 = copy.deepcopy(list1)

In [5]: list1[0].append(4)

In [6]: list1
Out[6]: [[1, 2, 3, 4], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

In [7]: list2
Out[7]: [[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']]

deepcopy recurses through the object, making copies of everything as it goes.

I happened on this thread on stack overflow:

The OP is pretty confused – can you sort it out?

Make sure you understand the difference between a reference, a shallow copy, and a deep copy.

Mutables as default arguments:

Another “gotcha” is using mutables as default arguments:

In [11]: def fun(x, a=[]):
   ....:     a.append(x)
   ....:     print(a)

This makes sense: maybe you’d pass in a list, but the default is an empty list.


In [12]: fun(3)

In [13]: fun(4)
[3, 4]



  • the default argument is defined when the function is created
  • there will be only one list
  • every time the function is called, the same one list is used.

The standard practice for such a mutable default argument:

In [15]: def fun(x, a=None):
   ....:     if a is None:
   ....:         a = []
   ....:     a.append(x)
   ....:     print(a)
In [16]: fun(3)
In [17]: fun(4)

You get a new list every time the function is called

List and Dict Comprehensions

A bit of functional programming

consider this common for loop structure:

new_list = []
for variable in a_list:

This can be expressed with a single line using a “list comprehension”

new_list = [expression for variable in a_list]

List Comprehensions

What about nested for loops?

new_list = []
for var in a_list:
    for var2 in a_list2:

Can also be expressed in one line:

new_list =  [exp for var in a_list for var2 in a_list2]

You get the “outer product”, i.e. all combinations.


But usually you at least have a conditional in the loop:

new_list = []
for variable in a_list:
    if something_is_true:

You can add a conditional to the comprehension:

new_list = [expr for var in a_list if something_is_true]



In [341]: [x ** 2 for x in range(3)]
Out[341]: [0, 1, 4]

In [342]: [x + y for x in range(3) for y in range(5, 7)]
Out[342]: [5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8]

In [343]: [x * 2 for x in range(6) if not x % 2]
Out[343]: [0, 4, 8]

Remember this from last week?

[name for name in dir(__builtin__) if "Error" in name]

Set Comprehensions

You can do it with sets, too:

new_set = {value for value in a_sequence}

the same as this for loop:

new_set = set()
for value in a_sequence:

Example: finding all the vowels in a string...

In [19]: s = "a not very long string"

In [20]: vowels = set('aeiou')

In [21]: { let for let in s if let in vowels }
Out[21]: {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o'}

Side note: why did I do set('aeiou') rather than just aeiou?

Dict Comprehensions

Also with dictionaries

new_dict = { key:value for key, value in a_sequence}

the same as this for loop:

new_dict = {}
for key, value in a_sequence:
    new_dict[key] = value


In [22]: {i: "this_%i" % i for i in range(5)}
Out[22]: {0: 'this_0', 1: 'this_1', 2: 'this_2',
          3: 'this_3', 4: 'this_4'}

Can you do the same thing with the dict() constructor?

Anonymous functions



In [171]: f = lambda x, y: x+y
In [172]: f(2,3)
Out[172]: 5

Content can only be an expression – not a statement

Anyone remember what the difference is?

Called “Anonymous”: it doesn’t need a name.

It’s a python object, it can be stored in a list or other container

In [6]: l = [lambda x, y: x + y]

In [7]: l
Out[7]: [<function __main__.<lambda>>]

In [8]: type(l[0])
Out[8]: function

And you can call it:

In [9]: l[0](3,4)
Out[9]: 7

Functions as first class objects

You can do that with “regular” functions too:

In [12]: def fun(x,y):
   ....:     return x + y
In [13]: l = [fun]
In [14]: type(l[0])
Out[14]: function
In [15]: l[0](3, 4)
Out[15]: 7

Functional Programming


map: “maps” a function onto a sequence of objects – It applies the function to each item in the list, returning another list

In [23]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [24]: def fun(x):
             return x * 2 + 10
In [25]: map(fun, l)
Out[25]: [14, 20, 24, 34, 22, 18]

But if it’s a small function, and you only need it once:

In [26]: map(lambda x: x * 2 + 10, l)
Out[26]: [14, 20, 24, 34, 22, 18]


filter: “filters” a sequence of objects with a boolean function – It keeps only those for which the function is True

To get only the even numbers:

In [27]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [28]: filter(lambda x: not x % 2, l)
Out[28]: [2, 12, 6, 4]


reduce: “reduces” a sequence of objects to a single object with a function that combines two arguments

To get the sum:

In [30]: l = [2, 5, 7, 12, 6, 4]
In [31]: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l)
Out[31]: 36

To get the product:

In [32]: reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, l)
Out[32]: 20160


Couldn’t you do all this with comprehensions?


In [33]: [x + 2 + 10 for x in l]
Out[33]: [14, 17, 19, 24, 18, 16]
In [34]: [x for x in l if not x % 2]
Out[34]: [2, 12, 6, 4]

(Except Reduce)

But Guido thinks almost all uses of reduce are really sum()

Functional Programming

Comprehensions and map, filter, reduce are all “functional programming” approaches}

map, filter and reduce pre-date comprehensions in Python’s history

Some people like that syntax better

And “map-reduce” is a big concept these days for parallel processing of “Big Data” in NoSQL databases.

(Hadoop, EMR, MongoDB, etc.)

More About Lambda

Can also use keyword arguments

In [186]: l = []
In [187]: for i in range(3):
   .....:     l.append(lambda x, e=i: x**e)
In [189]: for f in l:
   .....:     print(f(3))

Note when the keyword argument is evaluated

This turns out to be very handy!


Of course there’s homework

Task 13: List Comprehensions

In your student folder, create a subdirectory called session05. Create a new branch called task13 and switch to it (git checkout -b task13).

Within the session05 subdirectory, create a new file called

Add the file to your clone of the repository and commit changes frequently while working on the following tasks. When you are done, push your changes to GitHub and create a pull request titled Task 13 pull request from Your Name where you should substitute your name for Your Name.

Note: this is a bit of a “backwards” exercise – given some code, you figure out what it does.

In canvas, you’ll take a quiz where each of these questions is worth 1 point.

You can take the quiz repeatedly if you have trouble.

>>> feast = ['lambs', 'sloths', 'orangutans', 'breakfast cereals', 'fruit bats']
>>> comprehension = [delicacy.capitalize() for delicacy in feast]

What is the output of:

>>> comprehension[0]

>>> comprehension[2]

(figure it out before you try it)

>>> feast = ['spam', 'sloths', 'orangutans', 'breakfast cereals', 'fruit bats']
>>> comprehension = [delicacy for delicacy in feast if len(delicacy) > 6]

What is the output of:

>>> len(feast)

>>> len(comprehension)

(figure it out first!)

>>> list_of_tuples = [(1, 'lumberjack'), (2, 'inquisition'), (4, 'spam')]

>>> comprehension = [ skit * number for number, skit in list_of_tuples ]

What is the output of:

>>> comprehension[0]

>>> len(comprehension[2])

(figure it out first!)

>>> list_of_eggs = ['poached egg', 'fried egg']
>>> list_of_meats = ['lite spam', 'ham spam', 'fried spam']
>>> comprehension = ['{0} and {1}'.format(egg, meat)
                     for egg in list_of_eggs
                     for meat in list_of_meats]

What is the output of:

>>> len(comprehension)

>>> comprehension[0]
>>> comprehension = {x for x in 'aabbbcccc'}

What is the output of:

>>> comprehension
>>> dict_of_weapons = {'first': 'fear',
                       'second': 'surprise',
                       'third':'ruthless efficiency',
                       'forth':'fanatical devotion',
                       'fifth': None}
>>> dict_comprehension = \
{k.upper(): weapon for k, weapon in dict_of_weapons.iteritems() if weapon}

What is the output of:

>>> 'first' in dict_comprehension
>>> 'FIRST' in dict_comprehension
>>> len(dict_of_weapons)
>>> len(dict_comprehension)

See also:

(submit this one to gitHub for credit on this assignment)

This is from CodingBat “count_evens” (

Using a list comprehension, return the number of even ints in the given array.

Note: the % “mod” operator computes the remainder, e.g. 5 % 2 is 1.

count_evens([2, 1, 2, 3, 4]) == 3
count_evens([2, 2, 0]) == 3
count_evens([1, 3, 5]) == 0
def count_evens(nums):

Task 14: Dictionary and Set Comprehensions

In your session05 directory, write the following code into a new file called

Add the file to your local working repository and commit changes frequently while working on the following tasks. When you are done, push your changes to GitHub and create a pull request titled Task 14 pull request from Your Name where you should substitute your name for Your Name.

Let’s revisiting the dict/set lab – see how much you can do with comprehensions instead.

Specifically, look at these:

First a slightly bigger, more interesting (or at least bigger..) dict:

food_prefs = {"name": u"Cris",
              u"city": u"Seattle",
              u"cake": u"lemon",
              u"fruit": u"pomegranate",
              u"salad": u"chop",
              u"pasta": u"lasagna"}

(make a dictionary that includes your answers, not mine)

  1. Print the dict by passing it to a string format method, so that you get something like:

    "Cris is from Seattle, and he likes lemon cake, pomegranate fruit,
     chop salad, and lasagna pasta"
  2. Using a list comprehension, build a dictionary of numbers from zero to fifteen and the hexadecimal equivalent (string is fine).

  3. Do the previous entirely with a dict comprehension – should be a one-liner

  4. Using the dictionary from item 1: Make a dictionary using the same keys but with the number of ‘a’s in each value. You can do this either by editing the dict in place, or making a new one. If you edit in place, make a copy first!

  1. Create sets s2, s3 and s4 that contain the numbers from zero through twenty that are divisible 2, 3 and 4.
    1. Do this with one set comprehension for each set.
    2. What if you had a lot more than 3? – Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)
      • create a sequence that holds all three sets
      • loop through that sequence to build the sets up – so no repeated code.
    3. Extra credit: do it all as a one-liner by nesting a set comprehension inside a list comprehension. (OK, that may be getting carried away!)

Task 15: Lambda and Keyword Argument Magic

In your session05 directory, write the following code into a new file called

Add the file to your local working repository and commit changes frequently while working on the following tasks. When you are done, push your changes to GitHub and create a pull request titled Task 15 pull request from Your Name where you should substitute your name for Your Name.

Write a function that returns a list of n functions, such that each one, when called, will return the input value, incremented by an increasing number.

Use a for loop, a lambda, and a keyword argument

( Extra credit ):

Do it with a list comprehension, instead of a for loop

Not clear? here’s what you should get:

In [96]: the_list = function_builder(4)
### so the_list should contain n functions (callables)
In [97]: the_list[0](2)
Out[97]: 2
## the zeroth element of the list: a function that adds 0 to the input
In [98]: the_list[1](2)
Out[98]: 3
## the 1st element of the list: a function that adds 1 to the input
In [100]: for f in the_list:
   .....:     print(f(5), end=" ")

Task 16: Investigate Session 6

Read through the Session 6 slides.

There are four sections. For each one, come up with the following numbers of questions.

  • Object-Oriented Programming (2 questions)
  • Python Classes (1 question)
  • Subclassing and More Subclassing (4 questions)

Write some Python code to answer these questions, one function per question.

For each function, write a good docstring describing what question you are trying to answer.

Put the functions in four separate modules (files) called,, and in the session05 subdirectory of your student directory.

That is, you should have seven questions, and seven functions, total, spread out across three files.

Use everything you’ve learned so far as needed (including lists, tuples, slicing, iteration, functions, booleans, printing, modules, assertions, dictionaries, sets, exceptions, file reading/writing, and paths).

Create a branch in your local repo called task16 and switch to it (git checkout task16).

Add your files to that branch, commit and push, then create a pull request to the main class repo, titled Task 16 pull request from Your Name where you should substitute your name for Your Name.

Finally, submit your assignment in Canvas by giving the URL of the pull request.