Homework Task 1:ΒΆ

Set Up a Great Dev Environment

Make sure you have the basics of command line usage down:

Work through the supplemental tutorials on setting up your Command Line for good development support.

In particular, ensure that you have command-line support for git.

Then, make sure you’ve got your editor set up productively – at the very very least, make sure it does Python indentation well (replace tabs with 4 spaces).

Advanced Editor Setup:

If you are using SublimeText, here are some notes to make it super-nifty.

At the end, your editor should support tab completion and pep8 and pyflakes linting.

If you are not using SublimeText, look for plugins that accomplish the same goals for your own editor.

If none are available, please consider a change of editor.

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Homework Task 2: Gitting to Know You